
Pasquale Malacaria

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19EEHan Chen, Pasquale Malacaria: Quantifying maximal loss of anonymity in protocols. ASIACCS 2009: 206-217
18EEPasquale Malacaria, Han Chen: Lagrange multipliers and maximum information leakage in different observational models. PLAS 2008: 135-146
17EEHan Chen, Pasquale Malacaria: Quantitative analysis of leakage for multi-threaded programs. PLAS 2007: 31-40
16EEPasquale Malacaria: Assessing security threats of looping constructs. POPL 2007: 225-235
15EEDavid Clark, Sebastian Hunt, Pasquale Malacaria: A static analysis for quantifying information flow in a simple imperative language. Journal of Computer Security 15(3): 321-371 (2007)
14EEDavid Clark, Sebastian Hunt, Pasquale Malacaria: Quantified Interference for a While Language. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 112: 149-166 (2005)
13EEDavid Clark, Sebastian Hunt, Pasquale Malacaria: Quantitative Information Flow, Relations and Polymorphic Types. J. Log. Comput. 15(2): 181-199 (2005)
12EEAntonio Bucciarelli, Pasquale Malacaria: Relative definability of boolean functions via hypergraphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 278(1-2): 91-110 (2002)
11EEDavid Clark, Sebastian Hunt, Pasquale Malacaria: Quantitative Analysis of the Leakage of Confidential Data. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 59(3): (2001)
10 Samson Abramsky, Radha Jagadeesan, Pasquale Malacaria: Full Abstraction for PCF. Inf. Comput. 163(2): 409-470 (2000)
9EEPasquale Malacaria, Chris Hankin: Non-Deterministic Games and Program Analysis: An Application to Security. LICS 1999: 443-452
8EEChris Hankin, Pasquale Malacaria: Program Analysis Games. ACM Comput. Surv. 31(3es): 5 (1999)
7 Pasquale Malacaria, Chris Hankin: A New Approach to Control Flow Analysis. CC 1998: 95-108
6EEPasquale Malacaria, Chris Hankin: Generalised Flowcharts and Games. ICALP 1998: 363-374
5EEPasquale Malacaria: Studying Equivalences of Transition Systems with Algebraic Tools. Theor. Comput. Sci. 139(1&2): 187-205 (1995)
4 Samson Abramsky, Pasquale Malacaria, Radha Jagadeesan: Full Abstraction for PCF. TACS 1994: 1-15
3 Pasquale Malacaria: Equivalences of Transition Systems in an Algebraic Framework. AMAST 1993: 263-270
2 Thomas Ehrhard, Pasquale Malacaria: Stone Duality for Stable Functions. Category Theory and Computer Science 1991: 1-15
1 Pasquale Malacaria, Laurent Regnier: Some Results on the Interpretation of lambda-calculus in Operator Algebras LICS 1991: 63-72

Coauthor Index

1Samson Abramsky [4] [10]
2Antonio Bucciarelli [12]
3Han Chen [17] [18] [19]
4David Clark [11] [13] [14] [15]
5Thomas Ehrhard [2]
6Chris Hankin [6] [7] [8] [9]
7Sebastian Hunt [11] [13] [14] [15]
8Radha Jagadeesan [4] [10]
9Laurent Regnier [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)