
Volkmar Welker

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10EEVictor Reiner, Volkmar Welker: On the Charney-Davis and Neggers-Stanley conjectures. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 109(2): 247-280 (2005)
9 Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Frank Heckenbach, B. David Saunders, Volkmar Welker: Computing Simplicial Homology Based on Efficient Smith Normal Form Algorithms. Algebra, Geometry, and Software Systems 2003: 177-206
8EEPaul H. Edelman, Victor Reiner, Volkmar Welker: Convex, Acyclic, and Free Sets of an Oriented Matroid. Discrete & Computational Geometry 27(1): 99-116 (2002)
7EEJoachim Hornegger, Volkmar Welker, Heinrich Niemann: Localization and classification based on projections. Pattern Recognition 35(6): 1225-1235 (2002)
6EEVolkmar Welker: Constructions preserving evasiveness and collapsibility. Discrete Mathematics 207(1-3): 243-255 (1999)
5EEAnders Björner, Volkmar Welker: Complexes of Directed Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 12(4): 413-424 (1999)
4EEVolkmar Welker: Colored Partitions and a Generalization of the Braid Arrangement. Electr. J. Comb. 4(1): (1997)
3EESheila Sundaram, Volkmar Welker: Group Representations on the Homology of Products of Posets. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 73(1): 174-180 (1996)
2 Volkmar Welker: Equivariant Homotopy of Posets and Some Applications to Subgroup Lattices. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 69(1): 61-86 (1995)
1EEVolkmar Welker: Direct Sum Decompositions of Matroids and Exponential Structures. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 63(2): 222-244 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Anders Björner [5]
2Jean-Guillaume Dumas [9]
3Paul H. Edelman [8]
4Frank Heckenbach [9]
5Joachim Hornegger [7]
6Heinrich Niemann [7]
7Victor Reiner [8] [10]
8B. David Saunders [9]
9Sheila Sundaram [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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