
Shinji Doki

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7EEMichiaki Ariga, Yoshikazu Yano, Shinji Doki, Shigeru Okuma: Mental tension detection in the speech based on physiological monitoring. SMC 2007: 2022-2027
6EEYoshimitsu Murahashi, Hirohisa Hotta, Shinji Doki, Shigeru Okuma: Pulsed neural networks based on delta-sigma modulation with GHA learning rule and their hardware implementation. Systems and Computers in Japan 36(9): 14-24 (2005)
5EEHirohisa Hotta, Yoshimitsu Murahashi, Shinji Doki, Shigeru Okuma: Hardware Implementation of Pulsed Neural Networks Based on Delta-Sigma Modulator for ICA. ISNN (1) 2004: 714-719
4EEYasuhito Imai, Yoshikazu Yano, Shinji Doki, Shigeru Okuma: A study of learning and automatic motion generation with emotional factors. SMC (6) 2004: 5725-5730
3EEYoshimitsu Murahashi, Shinji Doki, Shigeru Okuma: Hardware realization of novel pulsed neural networks based on delta-sigma modulation with GHA learning rule. APCCAS (2) 2002: 157-162
2EEShinichi Yoshizawa, Shinji Doki, Shigeru Okuma: An associative memory system for sequential learning using reliability of memorized patterns. Systems and Computers in Japan 30(9): 8-16 (1999)
1 Shinichi Yoshizawa, Shinji Doki, Shigeru Okuma: A New Vector Quantization Algorithm with Annealing Operation for Time-Varying Data. ICONIP 1998: 546-549

Coauthor Index

1Michiaki Ariga [7]
2Hirohisa Hotta [5] [6]
3Yasuhito Imai [4]
4Yoshimitsu Murahashi [3] [5] [6]
5Shigeru Okuma [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Yoshikazu Yano [4] [7]
7Shinichi Yoshizawa [1] [2]

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