
Junta Doi

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12EEJunta Doi, Kentaro Shimizu, Masakazu Sekijima: High-Density Surface Reconstruction of Fine Arts and Documents for Complete Reproduction and Counterfeit Detection. ICNSC 2007: 392-397
11 Masakazu Sekijima, Junta Doi, Tamotsu Noguchi, Yutaka Akiyama, S. Shimizu: Optimization and evaluation of parallel molecular dynamics simulation on blue gene/L. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2007: 242-247
10 Junta Doi, Wataru Sato, Masahiko Hoshi, Shinji Morishita, Tomohiro Morita, Kota Sudo, Youhei Nakanishi: Precise modeling of archeological artifacts. GRAPP 2006: 331-334
9 Junta Doi, Kentaro Shimizu, Masahiko Hoshi: Reuse of reconstructed model of human skull for anthropological and anthropoid morphological model estimation. IRI 2006: 369-374
8 Junta Doi, Wataru Sato: Topologically robust reconstruction of a 3d object with organized meshingd. ICINCO 2005: 154-159
7EEJunta Doi, Wataru Sato, Tetsuo Miyake: Topology conserved 3D reconstruction and shape processing for reuse of the geometric models. IRI 2005: 410-414
6 Junta Doi, Wataru Sato, Yohei Miyamoto, Shingo Ando, Masaaki Yamanaka: Reuse of a Geometric Model for Shape Approximation. IRI 2004: 174-179
5EEJunta Doi, Masaaki Yamanaka: Personal Authentication Using Feature Points on Finger and Palmar Creases. AIPR 2003: 282-288
4EEHiroshi Yoshikawa, Mitsunori Ikeguchi, Shugo Nakamura, Kentaro Shimizu, Junta Doi: Prediction of protein structure classes and secondary structures by means of hidden Markov models. Systems and Computers in Japan 30(13): 13-22 (1999)
3 Yasuo Kuhara, Kentaro Shimizu, Junta Doi: Time-of-Reduction-Recovery Predicton in Neural Networks of Variable Topology to Improve Enzyme Classification. NC 1998: 365-370
2EEHidetoschi Kono, Junta Doi: A new method for side-chain conformation prediction using a Hopfield network and reproduced rotamers. Journal of Computational Chemistry 17(14): 1667-1683 (1996)
1EEMasato Masuya, Junta Doi: Use of Three-Dimensional Templates for Multiple Skeletons. MVA 1994: 293-296

Coauthor Index

1Yutaka Akiyama [11]
2Shingo Ando [6]
3Masahiko Hoshi [9] [10]
4Mitsunori Ikeguchi [4]
5Hidetoschi Kono [2]
6Yasuo Kuhara [3]
7Masato Masuya [1]
8Tetsuo Miyake [7]
9Yohei Miyamoto [6]
10Shinji Morishita [10]
11Tomohiro Morita [10]
12Shugo Nakamura [4]
13Youhei Nakanishi [10]
14Tamotsu Noguchi [11]
15Wataru Sato [6] [7] [8] [10]
16Masakazu Sekijima [11] [12]
17Kentaro Shimizu [3] [4] [9] [12]
18S. Shimizu [11]
19Kota Sudo [10]
20Masaaki Yamanaka [5] [6]
21Hiroshi Yoshikawa [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)