
David E. Dodds

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11EEDavid E. Dodds: Single-Ended FDR to Locate and Specifically Identify DSL Loop Impairments. ICC 2007: 6413-6418
10EEHuy G. Vu, Ha H. Nguyen, David E. Dodds: Performance Bound for Finite-Length LDPC Coded Modulation. IEICE Transactions 90-A(12): 2975-2978 (2007)
9EEMd. Sajjad Rahaman, David E. Dodds: Packet CDMA Communication without Preambles. CCECE 2006: 464-467
8EEDavid E. Dodds, Muhammad Shafique, Bernardo Celaya: TDR and FDR Identification of Bad Splices in Telephone Cables. CCECE 2006: 838-841
7EEBruce Tang, David E. Dodds: Weak Signal GPS Synchronization for Locating in-Building Cellular Telephones. CCECE 2006: 928-931
6EEDavid E. Dodds: Integrating electronic mail into university culture. SIGUCCS 1996: 31-35
5EEDavid E. Dodds: Netscape - network tool or is it more than just that? SIGUCCS 1996: 37-41
4 Greg J. Erker, David E. Dodds, Witold A. Krzymien: Digital Loop Extension Using Mid Span Amplification. ISCAS 1995: 1452-1455
3EEDavid E. Dodds, Louie Athanasiadis: Configuring student computer laboratories for effective utilization through network management. SIGUCCS 1995: 93-98
2 Si-Ming Pan, David E. Dodds, Surinder Kumar: Acquisition Time Distribution for Spread-Spectrum Receivers. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(5): 800-808 (1990)
1 Si-Ming Pan, David E. Dodds, A. G. Wacker: Statistical Distribution of Framing Times in PCM Systems. ICC 1986: 1204-1210

Coauthor Index

1Louie Athanasiadis [3]
2Bernardo Celaya [8]
3Greg J. Erker [4]
4Witold A. Krzymien [4]
5Surinder Kumar [2]
6Ha H. Nguyen [10]
7Si-Ming Pan [1] [2]
8Md. Sajjad Rahaman [9]
9Muhammad Shafique [8]
10Bruce Tang [7]
11Huy G. Vu [10]
12A. G. Wacker [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)