
Arie Pikaz

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9EEOfer Miller, Arie Pikaz, Amir Averbuch: Objects based change detection in a pair of gray-level images. Pattern Recognition 38(11): 1976-1992 (2005)
8 Arie Pikaz, Amir Averbuch: On the Relation between Second-Order Statistics, Connectivity Analysis, and Percolation Models in Digital Textures. Graphical Models and Image Processing 60(3): 226-232 (1998)
7 Arie Pikaz, Amir Averbuch: An Efficient Topological Characterization of Gray-Levels Textures, Using a Multiresolution Representation. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 59(1): 1-17 (1997)
6EEArie Pikaz, Amir Averbuch: On automatic threshold selection for polygonal approximations of digital curves. Pattern Recognition 29(11): 1835-1845 (1996)
5EEArie Pikaz, Amir Averbuch: Digital image thresholding, based on topological stable-state. Pattern Recognition 29(5): 829-843 (1996)
4EEArie Pikaz, Its'hak Dinstein: Matching of partially occluded planar curves. Pattern Recognition 28(2): 199-209 (1995)
3EEArie Pikaz, Its'hak Dinstein: Optimal polygonal approximation of digital curves. Pattern Recognition 28(3): 373-379 (1995)
2EEArie Pikaz, Its'hak Dinstein: An algorithm for polygonal approximation based on iterative point elimination. Pattern Recognition Letters 16(6): 557-563 (1995)
1EEArie Pikaz, Its'hak Dinstein: Using Simple Decomposition for Smoothing and Feature Point Detection of Noisy Digital Curves. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(8): 808-813 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Amir Averbuch [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Its'hak Dinstein [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Ofer Miller [9]

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