
Dieu Van Dinh

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2EEDarren Aaberge, Ken Mockler, Dieu Van Dinh, Raoul Belleau, Tim Donovan, Reid Hewlitt: Meeting the Test Challenges of the 1 Gbps Parallel RapidIO Interface with New Automatic Test Equipment Capabilities. VTS 2005: 75-84
1 Dieu Van Dinh, Virginia Rabitoy: An approach to testing 200 ps echo clock to output timing on the double data rate synchronous memory. ITC 2000: 610-618

Coauthor Index

1Darren Aaberge [2]
2Raoul Belleau [2]
3Tim Donovan [2]
4Reid Hewlitt [2]
5Ken Mockler [2]
6Virginia Rabitoy [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)