
Claude Desset

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8EEClaude Desset, Eddie Batista de Lima Filho, Gregory Lenoir: WiMAX Downlink OFDMA Burst Placement for Optimized Receiver Duty-Cycling. ICC 2007: 5149-5154
7EEAndrew Fort, Mike Chen, Robert W. Brodersen, Claude Desset, Piet Wambacq, Leo Van Biesen: Impact of Sampling Jitter on Mostly-Digital Architectures for UWB Bio-Medical Applications. ICC 2007: 5769-5774
6EEClaude Desset, Mustafa Badaroglu, Julien Ryckaert, Bart van Poucke: Optimized Signal Acquisition for Low-Complexity and Low-Power IR-UWB Transceivers. VTC Spring 2007: 3135-3139
5EEEric Salemi, Claude Desset, Antoine Dejonghe, Jan Cornelis, Peter Schelkens: A Low-Complexity Methodology for Unequal Error Protection of Scalable Images. GLOBECOM 2006
4EEAndrew Fort, Julien Ryckaert, Claude Desset, Philippe De Doncker, Piet Wambacq, Leo Van Biesen: Ultra-wideband channel model for communication around the human body. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(4): 927-933 (2006)
3EEClaude Desset, Benoit M. Macq, Luc Vandendorpe: Computing the word-, symbol-, and bit-error rates for block error-correcting codes. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(6): 910-921 (2004)
2EEFabrice Labeau, Claude Desset, Luc Vandendorpe, Benoit M. Macq: Performances of linear tools and models for error detection and concealment in subband image transmission. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 11(5): 518-529 (2002)
1EEBenoît Macq, Fabrice Labeau, Claude Desset, Luc Vandendorpe: Image processing for multimedia terminals and related architectures. Signal Processing 80(7): 1167-1183 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Mustafa Badaroglu [6]
2Leo Van Biesen [4] [7]
3Robert W. Brodersen [7]
4Mike Chen [7]
5Jan Cornelis [5]
6Antoine Dejonghe [5]
7Philippe De Doncker [4]
8Eddie Batista de Lima Filho [8]
9Andrew Fort [4] [7]
10Fabrice Labeau [1] [2]
11Gregory Lenoir [8]
12Benoit M. Macq (Benoît Macq) [1] [2] [3]
13Bart van Poucke [6]
14Julien Ryckaert [4] [6]
15Eric Salemi [5]
16Peter Schelkens [5]
17Luc Vandendorpe [1] [2] [3]
18Piet Wambacq [4] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)