
Rommert Dekker

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18EEEric Porras, Rommert Dekker: An inventory control system for spare parts at a refinery: An empirical comparison of different re-order point methods. European Journal of Operational Research 184(1): 101-132 (2008)
17EEMichele Surico, Uzay Kaymak, David Naso, Rommert Dekker: A Bi-Objective Evolutionary Approach to Robust Scheduling. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
16EEMichiel J. C. M. Vromans, Rommert Dekker, Leo G. Kroon: Reliability and heterogeneity of railway services. European Journal of Operational Research 172(2): 647-665 (2006)
15EEEric Porras, Rommert Dekker: An efficient optimal solution method for the joint replenishment problem with minimum order quantities. European Journal of Operational Research 174(3): 1595-1615 (2006)
14EEOvidiu Listes, Rommert Dekker: A stochastic approach to a case study for product recovery network design. European Journal of Operational Research 160(1): 268-287 (2005)
13EEMaarten Krever, Sophia Wunderink, Rommert Dekker, Benno Schorr: Inventory control based on advanced probability theory, an application. European Journal of Operational Research 162(2): 342-358 (2005)
12EELeo G. Kroon, Rommert Dekker, Michiel J. C. M. Vromans: Cyclic Railway Timetabling: A Stochastic Optimization Approach. ATMOS 2004: 41-66
11EEGabriella Budai, Rommert Dekker, Dennis Huisman: Scheduling preventive railway maintenance activities. SMC (5) 2004: 4171-4176
10EERobin P. Nicolai, Gabriella Budai, Rommert Dekker, Mark Vreijling: Modeling the deterioration of the coating on steel structures: a comparison of methods. SMC (5) 2004: 4177-4182
9EEHenk de Swaan Arons, Eelco van Asperen, Rommert Dekker, Mark Polman: Coordination in a Supply Chain for Bulk Chemicals. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 1365-1372
8EERobin P. Nicolai, Rommert Dekker, Nanda Piersma, Gerrit J. van Oortmarssen: Automated Response Surface Methodology for Stochastic Optimization Models with Unknown Variance. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 491-499
7EEKostas-Platon Aronis, Ioulia Magou, Rommert Dekker, George Tagaras: Inventory control of spare parts using a Bayesian approach: A case study. European Journal of Operational Research 154(3): 730-739 (2004)
6EEEelco van Asperen, Rommert Dekker, Mark Polman, Henk de Swaan Arons: Waterway, shipping, and ports: modeling ship arrivals in ports. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 1737-1744
5EEDimitrios Vlachos, Rommert Dekker: Return handling options and order quantities for single period products. European Journal of Operational Research 151(1): 38-52 (2003)
4EERommert Dekker, Rob Zuidwijk, Costas Pappis, Sarah Ryan, Angelika I. Kokkinaki: Panel : E-commerce for reverse logistics. ECIS 2002
3 Angelika I. Kokkinaki, Rommert Dekker, Nikos I. Karacapilidis, Costas Pappis: A Web-Based Recommender System for end-of-use ICT Products. I3E 2002: 601-614
2EEAngelika I. Kokkinaki, Rommert Dekker, M. B. M. de Koster, W. Verbeke, Costas Pappis: E-business Models for Reverse Logistics: Contributions and Challenges. ITCC 2002: 470-476
1EEH. Gonda Neddermeijer, Gerrit J. van Oortmarssen, Nanda Piersma, Rommert Dekker: A framework for Response Surface Methodology for simulation optimization. Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 129-136

Coauthor Index

1Kostas-Platon Aronis [7]
2Henk de Swaan Arons [6] [9]
3Eelco van Asperen [6] [9]
4Gabriella Budai [10] [11]
5Dennis Huisman [11]
6Nikos I. Karacapilidis [3]
7Uzay Kaymak [17]
8Angelika I. Kokkinaki [2] [3] [4]
9M. B. M. de Koster [2]
10Maarten Krever [13]
11Leo G. Kroon [12] [16]
12Ovidiu Listes [14]
13Ioulia Magou [7]
14David Naso [17]
15H. Gonda Neddermeijer [1]
16Robin P. Nicolai [8] [10]
17Gerrit J. van Oortmarssen [1] [8]
18Costas Pappis [2] [3] [4]
19Nanda Piersma [1] [8]
20Mark Polman [6] [9]
21Eric Porras [15] [18]
22Sarah Ryan [4]
23Benno Schorr [13]
24Michele Surico [17]
25George Tagaras [7]
26W. Verbeke [2]
27Dimitrios Vlachos [5]
28Mark Vreijling [10]
29Michiel J. C. M. Vromans [12] [16]
30Sophia Wunderink [13]
31Rob Zuidwijk [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)