
Rob Zuidwijk

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5EERob Zuidwijk, Harold Krikke: Strategic response to EEE returns: : Product eco-design or new recovery processes? European Journal of Operational Research 191(3): 1206-1222 (2008)
4EELouis-François Pau, Hong Chen, P. van de Coterlet, Rob Zuidwijk: Introduction of 3rd Generation Wireless Services in a Multi-Enterprise VPN Environment: Case of the Port of Rotterdam. ICMB 2005: 643-646
3 Jos van Hillegersberg, J. C. Tseng, Rob Zuidwijk, M. van Oosterhout, Jo van Nunen: Hub to higher performance? - an internet hub for the Vos Logistics supply chain. ISPE CE 2003: 435-443
2EERommert Dekker, Rob Zuidwijk, Costas Pappis, Sarah Ryan, Angelika I. Kokkinaki: Panel : E-commerce for reverse logistics. ECIS 2002
1EERob Zuidwijk, Jo van Nunen, Diana van Eijk, Jos van Hillegersberg: Supporting return flows in the supply chain. Commun. ACM 44(6): 74-79 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Hong Chen [4]
2P. van de Coterlet [4]
3Rommert Dekker [2]
4Diana van Eijk [1]
5Jos van Hillegersberg [1] [3]
6Angelika I. Kokkinaki [2]
7Harold Krikke [5]
8Jo van Nunen [1] [3]
9M. van Oosterhout [3]
10Costas Pappis [2]
11Louis-François Pau [4]
12Sarah Ryan [2]
13J. C. Tseng [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)