
Leo G. Kroon

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14EEValentina Cacchiani, Alberto Caprara, Laura Galli, Leo G. Kroon, Gábor Maróti: Recoverable Robustness for Railway Rolling Stock Planning. ATMOS 2008
13EEMarc Peeters, Leo G. Kroon: Circulation of railway rolling stock: a branch-and-price approach. Computers & OR 35(2): 538-556 (2008)
12 Frank Geraets, Leo G. Kroon, Anita Schöbel, Dorothea Wagner, Christos D. Zaroliagis: Algorithmic Methods for Railway Optimization, International Dagstuhl Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 20-25, 2004, 4th International Workshop, ATMOS 2004, Bergen, Norway, September 16-17, 2004, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2007
11EEGábor Maróti, Leo G. Kroon: Maintenance routing for train units: The interchange model. Computers & OR 34(4): 1121-1140 (2007)
10 Leo G. Kroon, Rolf H. Möhring: 5th Workshop on Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways, ATMOS 2005, September 14, 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006
9EEJan-Willem Goossens, Stan P. M. van Hoesel, Leo G. Kroon: On solving multi-type railway line planning problems. European Journal of Operational Research 168(2): 403-424 (2006)
8EEMichiel J. C. M. Vromans, Rommert Dekker, Leo G. Kroon: Reliability and heterogeneity of railway services. European Journal of Operational Research 172(2): 647-665 (2006)
7EEPieter-Jan Fioole, Leo G. Kroon, Gábor Maróti, Alexander Schrijver: A rolling stock circulation model for combining and splitting of passenger trains. European Journal of Operational Research 174(2): 1281-1297 (2006)
6EELeo G. Kroon, Rolf H. Möhring: ATMOS 2005 Abstracts Collection - Selected Papers from the 5th Workshop on Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways. ATMOS 2005
5EELeo G. Kroon, Rolf H. Möhring: ATMOS Preface - Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways. ATMOS 2005
4EEJohn van den Broek, Leo G. Kroon: A Capacity Test for Shunting Movements. ATMOS 2004: 108-125
3EELeo G. Kroon, Rommert Dekker, Michiel J. C. M. Vromans: Cyclic Railway Timetabling: A Stochastic Optimization Approach. ATMOS 2004: 41-66
2EELeo G. Kroon, Matteo Fischetti: Scheduling Train Drivers and Guards: The Dutch ``Noord-Oost'' Case. HICSS 2000
1 Leo G. Kroon, Arunabha Sen, Haiyong Deng, Asim Roy: The Optimal Cost Chromatic Partition Problem for Trees and Interval Graphs. WG 1996: 279-292

Coauthor Index

1John van den Broek [4]
2Valentina Cacchiani [14]
3Alberto Caprara [14]
4Rommert Dekker [3] [8]
5Haiyong Deng [1]
6Pieter-Jan Fioole [7]
7Matteo Fischetti [2]
8Laura Galli [14]
9Frank Geraets (Frank Wagner) [12]
10Jan-Willem Goossens [9]
11Stan P. M. van Hoesel (C. P. M. van Hoesel) [9]
12Gábor Maróti [7] [11] [14]
13Rolf H. Möhring [5] [6] [10]
14Marc Peeters [13]
15Asim Roy [1]
16Anita Schöbel [12]
17Alexander Schrijver [7]
18Arunabha Sen [1]
19Michiel J. C. M. Vromans [3] [8]
20Dorothea Wagner [12]
21Christos D. Zaroliagis [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)