
David S. Day

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10 Janyce Wiebe, Eric Breck, Chris Buckley, Claire Cardie, Paul Davis, Bruce Fraser, Diane J. Litman, David R. Pierce, Ellen Riloff, Theresa Wilson, David S. Day, Mark T. Maybury: Recognizing and Organizing Opinions Expressed in the World Press. New Directions in Question Answering 2003: 12-19
9 Laurie E. Damianos, Jay M. Ponte, Steve Wohlever, Florence Reeder, David S. Day, D. George Wilson, Lynette Hirschman: MiTAP, Text and Audio Processing for Bio-Security: A Case Study. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 807-814
8 Laurie E. Damianos, Jay M. Ponte, Steve Wohlever, Florence Reeder, David S. Day, D. George Wilson, Lynette Hirschman: MiTAP for Biosecurity: A Case Study. AI Magazine 23(4): 13-29 (2002)
7EEDavid D. Palmer, David S. Day: A Statistical Profile of the Named Entity Task. ANLP 1997: 190-193
6EEDavid S. Day, John S. Aberdeen, Lynette Hirschman, Robyn Kozierok, Patricia Robinson, Marc B. Vilain: Mixed-Initiative Development of Language Processing Systems. ANLP 1997: 348-355
5EEMarc B. Vilain, David S. Day: Finite-state phrase parsing by rule sequences. COLING 1996: 274-279
4EER. Mitchell, David S. Day, Lynette Hirschman: Case study: fishing for information on the Internet. INFOVIS 1995: 105-111
3EEJohn S. Aberdeen, John D. Burger, David S. Day, Lynette Hirschman, Patricia Robinson, Marc B. Vilain: MITRE: description of the Alembic system used for MUC-6. MUC 1995: 141-155
2 David S. Day: Learning Variable Descriptors for Applying Heuristics Across CSP Problems. ML 1991: 127-131
1EEPaul R. Cohen, David S. Day: The centrality of autonomous agents in theories of action under uncertainty. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 2(3): 303-326 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1John S. Aberdeen [3] [6]
2Eric Breck [10]
3Chris Buckley [10]
4John D. Burger [3]
5Claire Cardie [10]
6Paul R. Cohen [1]
7Laurie E. Damianos [8] [9]
8Paul Davis [10]
9Bruce Fraser [10]
10Lynette Hirschman [3] [4] [6] [8] [9]
11Robyn Kozierok [6]
12Diane J. Litman [10]
13Mark T. Maybury [10]
14R. Mitchell [4]
15David D. Palmer [7]
16David R. Pierce [10]
17Jay M. Ponte [8] [9]
18Florence Reeder [8] [9]
19Ellen Riloff [10]
20Patricia Robinson [3] [6]
21Marc B. Vilain [3] [5] [6]
22Janyce Wiebe [10]
23D. George Wilson [8] [9]
24Theresa Wilson [10]
25Steve Wohlever [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)