
Laurent Daudet

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11EEBob L. Sturm, John J. Shynk, Laurent Daudet: Measuring interference in overcomplete signal representations. CISS 2008: 961-966
10EEPierre Leveau, E. Vincent, G. Richard, Laurent Daudet: Instrument-Specific Harmonic Atoms for Mid-Level Music Representation. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(1): 116-128 (2008)
9EECédric Févotte, Bruno Torrésani, Laurent Daudet, Simon J. Godsill: Sparse Linear Regression With Structured Priors and Application to Denoising of Musical Audio. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(1): 174-185 (2008)
8EEBob L. Sturm, John J. Shynk, Laurent Daudet, C. Roads: Dark Energy in Sparse Atomic Estimations. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(3): 671-676 (2008)
7EEE. Ravelli, G. Richard, Laurent Daudet: Union of MDCT Bases for Audio Coding. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(8): 1361-1372 (2008)
6EELaurent Daudet: Sparse and structured decompositions of signals with the molecular matching pursuit. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(5): 1808-1816 (2006)
5EEJuan Pablo Bello, Laurent Daudet, Mark B. Sandler: Automatic Piano Transcription Using Frequency and Time-Domain Information. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(6): 2242-2251 (2006)
4EEMike E. Davies, Laurent Daudet: Sparse audio representations using the MCLT. Signal Processing 86(3): 457-470 (2006)
3EELaurent Daudet: A Review on Techniques for the Extraction of Transients in Musical Signals. CMMR 2005: 219-232
2EELaurent Daudet, Gaël Richard, Pierre Leveau: Methodology and Tools for the evaluation of automatic onset detection algorithms in music. ISMIR 2004
1EELaurent Daudet, Bruno Torrésani: Hybrid representations for audiophonic signal encoding. Signal Processing 82(11): 1595-1617 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Juan Pablo Bello [5]
2Mike E. Davies (Michael E. Davies) [4]
3Cédric Févotte [9]
4Simon J. Godsill [9]
5Pierre Leveau [2] [10]
6E. Ravelli [7]
7G. Richard [7] [10]
8Gaël Richard [2]
9C. Roads [8]
10Mark B. Sandler [5]
11John J. Shynk [8] [11]
12Bob L. Sturm [8] [11]
13Bruno Torrésani [1] [9]
14E. Vincent [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)