
A. K. Datta

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4EEA. K. Datta, Sankar K. Pal, Nikhil R. Pal: A connectionist model for convex-hull of a planar set. Neural Networks 13(3): 377-384 (2000)
3EERajat K. Pal, A. K. Datta, Sudebkumar Prasant Pal, M. M. Das, Ajit Pal: A general graph theoretic framework for multi-layer channel routing. VLSI Design 1995: 202-207
2EEA. K. Datta, N. R. Ganguli, A. Ray, B. Mukherjee: A hierarchical perception-linked model for machine recognition of phonemes. Inf. Sci. 55(1-3): 259-269 (1991)
1EESankar K. Pal, A. K. Datta, D. Dutta Majumder: A self-supervised vowel recognition system. Pattern Recognition 12(1): 27-34 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1M. M. Das [3]
2N. R. Ganguli [2]
3D. Dutta Majumder [1]
4B. Mukherjee [2]
5Ajit Pal [3]
6Nikhil R. Pal [4]
7Rajat K. Pal [3]
8Sankar K. Pal [1] [4]
9Sudebkumar Prasant Pal [3]
10A. Ray [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)