
Asit Dan

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55 Asit Dan, Winfried Lamersdorf: Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2006, 4th International Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, December 4-7, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
54EETudor Dumitras, Daniela Rosu, Asit Dan, Priya Narasimhan: Ecotopia: An Ecological Framework for Change Management in Distributed Systems. WADS 2006: 262-286
53EEPaul W. P. J. Grefen, Heiko Ludwig, Asit Dan, Samuil Angelov: An analysis of web services support for dynamic business process outsourcing. Information & Software Technology 48(11): 1115-1134 (2006)
52EEAsit Dan, Kavitha Ranganathan, Catalin Dumitrescu, Matei Ripeanu: A Layered Framework for Connecting Client Objectives and Resource Capabilities. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 15(3): 391-413 (2006)
51EEHeiko Ludwig, Henner Gimpel, Asit Dan, Robert Kearney: Template-Based Automated Service Provisioning - Supporting the Agreement-Driven Service Life-Cycle. ICSOC 2005: 283-295
50EEKavitha Ranganathan, Asit Dan: Proactive Management of Service Instance Pools for Meeting Service Level Agreements. ICSOC 2005: 296-309
49EEDaniela Rosu, Asit Dan: Managing End-to-End Lifecycle of Global Service Policies. ICSOC 2005: 570-575
48EEAsit Dan: 05462 Session Summary - "Service Management". Service Oriented Computing 2005
47EEAsit Dan, Catalin Dumitrescu, Matei Ripeanu: Connecting client objectives with resource capabilities: an essential component for grid service managent infrastructures. ICSOC 2004: 57-64
46EEHeiko Ludwig, Asit Dan, Robert Kearney: Cremona: An Architecture and Library for Creation and Monitoring of WS-Agreents. ICSOC 2004: 65-74
45EEAsit Dan, Doug Davis, Robert Kearney, Alexander Keller, Richard P. King, Dietmar Kuebler, Heiko Ludwig, Mike Polan, Mike Spreitzer, Alaa Youssef: Web services on demand: WSLA-driven automated management. IBM Systems Journal 43(1): 136-158 (2004)
44EEHenner Gimpel, Heiko Ludwig, Asit Dan, Robert Kearney: PANDA: Specifying Policies for Automated Negotiations of Service Contracts. ICSOC 2003: 287-302
43 Heiko Ludwig, Alexander Keller, Asit Dan, Richard P. King, Richard Franck: A Service Level Agreement Language for Dynamic Electronic Services. Electronic Commerce Research 3(1-2): 43-59 (2003)
42EECatherine H. Crawford, Asit Dan: eModel: Addressing the Need for a Flexible Modeling Framework in Autonomic Computing. MASCOTS 2002: 203-208
41EEAlexander Keller, Gautam Kar, Heiko Ludwig, Asit Dan, Joseph L. Hellerstein: Managing dynamic services: a contract based approach to a conceptual architecture. NOMS 2002: 513-528
40EESidharth Choudhury, Asit Dan: Downloadable Service Contracts for Disconnected Transactions. RIDE 2002: 112-
39EEHeiko Ludwig, Alexander Keller, Asit Dan, Richard P. King: A Service Level Agreement Language for Dynamic Electronic Services. WECWIS 2002: 25-32
38EEJunehwa Song, Asit Dan, Dinkar Sitaram: JINSIL: A middleware for presentation of composite multimedia objects in a distributed environment. Multimedia Syst. 8(4): 295-314 (2002)
37EEAsit Dan, Daniel M. Dias, Robert Kearney, Terry C. Lau, Thao Nguyen, Francis N. Parr, Martin W. Sachs, Hidayatullah Shaikh: Business-to-business integration with tpaML and a business-to-business protocol framework. IBM Systems Journal 40(1): 68- (2001)
36EEAsit Dan, Daniel M. Dias, Thao Nguyen, Marty Sachs, Hidayatullah Shaikh, Richard P. King, Sastry Duri: The Coyote Project: Framework for Multi-party E-Commerce. ECDL 1998: 873-889
35 Asit Dan, Dinkar Sitaram, Junehwa Song: Brahma: Browsing and Retrieval Architecture for Hierarchical Multimedia Annotation. Multimedia Tools Appl. 7(1/2): 83-101 (1998)
34 Kevin C. Almeroth, Asit Dan, Dinkar Sitaram, William H. Tetzlaff: Long Term Resource Allocation in Video Delivery Systems. INFOCOM 1997: 1333-1340
33 Junehwa Song, Asit Dan, Dinkar Sitaram: Efficient Retrieval of Composite Multimedia Objects in the JINSIL Distributed System. SIGMETRICS 1997: 260-271
32 Asit Dan, Stephen Dulin, Scott Marcotte, Dinkar Sitaram: Multimedia Resource Management in OS/390 LAN Server. IBM Systems Journal 36(3): 393-410 (1997)
31EEAsit Dan, Philip S. Yu, Anant Jhingran: Recovery Analysis of Data Sharing Systems under Deferred Dirty Page Propagation Policies. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 8(7): 695-711 (1997)
30 Asit Dan, Dinkar Sitaram: Multimedia Caching Strategies for Heterogeneous Application and Server Environments. Multimedia Tools Appl. 4(3): 279-312 (1997)
29 Asit Dan, Dinkar Sitaram, Perwez Shahabuddin: Dynamic Batching Policies for an On-Demand Video Server. Multimedia Syst. 4(3): 112-121 (1996)
28 Asit Dan, Daniel M. Dias, Rajat Mukherjee, Dinkar Sitaram, Renu Tewari: Buffering and Caching in Large-Scale Video Servers. COMPCON 1995: 217-224
27 Martin G. Kienzle, Asit Dan, Dinkar Sitaram, William H. Tetzlaff: Using Tertiary Storage in Video-on-Demand Servers. COMPCON 1995: 225-233
26EEAsit Dan, Dinkar Sitaram: An Online Video Placement Policy based on Bandwith to Space Ratio (BSR). SIGMOD Conference 1995: 376-385
25EEAsit Dan, Perwez Shahabuddin, Dinkar Sitaram, Donald F. Towsley: Channel Allocation under Batching and VCR Control in Video-on-Demand Systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 30(2): 168-179 (1995)
24 Asit Dan, Martin G. Kienzle, Dinkar Sitaram: A Dynamic Policy of Segment Replication for Load-Balancing in Video-On-Demand Servers. Multimedia Syst. 3(3): 93-103 (1995)
23EEAsit Dan, Philip S. Yu, Jen-Yao Chung: Characterization of Database Access Pattern for Analytic Prediction of Buffer Hit Probability VLDB J. 4(1): 127-154 (1995)
22 Asit Dan, Dinkar Sitaram, Perwez Shahabuddin: Scheduling Policies for an On-Demand Video Server with Batching. ACM Multimedia 1994: 15-23
21 Philip S. Yu, Kun-Lung Wu, Asit Dan: Dynamic Parity Grouping for Improving Write Performance of RAID-5 Disk Arrays. ICPP 1994: 193-196
20 Asit Dan, Philip S. Yu, Daniel M. Dias: Performance Modelling and Comparisons of Global Shared Buffer Management Policies in a Cluster Environment. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(11): 1281-1297 (1994)
19EEAsit Dan, Daniel M. Dias, Philip S. Yu: Buffer Analysis for a Data Sharing Environment with Skewed Data Access. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(2): 331-337 (1994)
18EEPhilip S. Yu, Asit Dan: Performance Analysis of Affinity Clustering on Transaction Processing Coupling Architecture. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(5): 764-786 (1994)
17EEPhilip S. Yu, Asit Dan: Performance Evaluation of Transaction Processing Coupling Architectures for Handling System Dynamics. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 5(2): 139-153 (1994)
16EEAnupam Bhide, Asit Dan, Daniel M. Dias: A Simple Analysis of the LRU Buffer Policy and Its Relationship to Buffer Warm-Up Transient. ICDE 1993: 125-133
15EEAsit Dan, Philip S. Yu, Jen-Yao Chung: Database Access Characterization for Buffer Hit Prediction. ICDE 1993: 134-143
14EEDinkar Sitaram, Asit Dan, Philip S. Yu: Issues in the Design of Multi-Server File Systems to Cope with Load Skew. PDIS 1993: 214-223
13EEAsit Dan, Philip S. Yu: Performance Analysis of Buffer Coherency Policies in a Multisystem Data Sharing Environment. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 4(3): 289-305 (1993)
12EEPhilip S. Yu, Asit Dan: Effect of System Dynamics on Coupling Architectures for Transaction Processing. ICDE 1992: 458-469
11 Asit Dan, Philip S. Yu, Jen-Yao Chung: Characterization of Database Access Skew in a Transaction Processing Environment. SIGMETRICS 1992: 251-252
10 Victor F. Nicola, Asit Dan, Daniel M. Dias: Analysis of the Generalized Clock Buffer Replacement Scheme for Database Transaction Processing. SIGMETRICS 1992: 35-46
9EEAsit Dan, Philip S. Yu: Performance Analysis of Coherency Control Policies through Lock Retention. SIGMOD Conference 1992: 114-123
8 Philip S. Yu, Asit Dan: Impact of Workload Partitionability on the Performance of Coupling Architectures for Transaction Processing. SPDP 1992: 40-49
7EEAsit Dan, Philip S. Yu: Performance comparisons of buffer coherency policies. ICDCS 1991: 208-217
6 Asit Dan, Daniel M. Dias, Philip S. Yu: Analytical Modeling of a Hierarchical Buffer for a Data Sharing Environment. SIGMETRICS 1991: 156-167
5EEAsit Dan, Daniel M. Dias, Philip S. Yu: Database Buffer Model for the Data Sharing Environment. ICDE 1990: 538-544
4EEAsit Dan, Donald F. Towsley: An Approximate Analysis of the LRU and FIFO Buffer Replacement Schemes. SIGMETRICS 1990: 143-152
3EEAsit Dan, Daniel M. Dias, Philip S. Yu: The Effect of Skewed Data Access on Buffer Hits and Data Contention an a Data Sharing Environment. VLDB 1990: 419-431
2 Asit Dan: Performance Analysis of Data Sharing Environments University of Massachusetts, Amherst 1990
1EEAsit Dan, Donald F. Towsley, Walter H. Kohler: Modeling the Effects of Data and Resource Contention on the Performance of Optimistic Concurrency Control Protocols. ICDE 1988: 418-425

Coauthor Index

1Kevin C. Almeroth [34]
2Samuil Angelov [53]
3Anupam Bhide [16]
4Sidharth Choudhury [40]
5Jen-Yao Chung [11] [15] [23]
6Catherine H. Crawford [42]
7Doug Davis [45]
8Daniel M. Dias [3] [5] [6] [10] [16] [19] [20] [28] [36] [37]
9Stephen Dulin [32]
10Tudor Dumitras [54]
11Catalin Dumitrescu [47] [52]
12Sastry Duri [36]
13Richard Franck [43]
14Henner Gimpel [44] [51]
15Paul W. P. J. Grefen [53]
16Joseph L. Hellerstein [41]
17Anant Jhingran [31]
18Gautam Kar [41]
19Robert Kearney [37] [44] [45] [46] [51]
20Alexander Keller [39] [41] [43] [45]
21Martin G. Kienzle [24] [27]
22Richard P. King [36] [39] [43] [45]
23Walter H. Kohler [1]
24Dietmar Kuebler [45]
25Winfried Lamersdorf [55]
26Terry C. Lau [37]
27Heiko Ludwig [39] [41] [43] [44] [45] [46] [51] [53]
28Scott Marcotte [32]
29Rajat Mukherjee [28]
30Priya Narasimhan [54]
31Thao Nguyen [36] [37]
32Victor F. Nicola [10]
33Francis N. Parr [37]
34Mike Polan [45]
35Kavitha Ranganathan [50] [52]
36Matei Ripeanu [47] [52]
37Daniela Rosu [49] [54]
38Martin W. Sachs [37]
39Marty Sachs [36]
40Perwez Shahabuddin [22] [25] [29]
41Hidayatullah Shaikh [36] [37]
42Dinkar Sitaram [14] [22] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [32] [33] [34] [35] [38]
43Junehwa Song [33] [35] [38]
44Mike Spreitzer [45]
45William H. Tetzlaff [27] [34]
46Renu Tewari [28]
47Donald F. Towsley [1] [4] [25]
48Kun-Lung Wu [21]
49Alaa Youssef [45]
50Philip S. Yu [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [23] [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)