
Kamel Smaïli

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9EESylvain Raybaud, Caroline Lavecchia, David Langlois, Kamel Smaïli: New Confidence Measures for Statistical Machine Translation CoRR abs/0902.1033: (2009)
8EEChahnez Zakaria, Olivier Curé, Kamel Smaïli: Conflict ontology enrichment based on triggers. ONISW 2008: 113-118
7EEMurat Deviren, Khalid Daoudi, Kamel Smaïli: Rethinking Language Models Within the Framework of Dynamic Bayesian Networks. Canadian Conference on AI 2005: 432-437
6EESalma Jamoussi, Kamel Smaïli, Jean Paul Haton: Understanding Speech Based on a Bayesian Concept Extraction Method. TSD 2003: 181-188
5EEImed Zitouni, Kamel Smaïli, Jean Paul Haton: Statistical language modeling based on variable-length sequences. Computer Speech & Language 17(1): 27-41 (2003)
4EEDavid Langlois, Kamel Smaïli, Jean Paul Haton: A New Method Based on Context for Combining Statistical Language Models. CONTEXT 2001: 235-246
3 Brigitte Bigi, Armelle Brun, Jean Paul Haton, Kamel Smaïli, Imed Zitouni: A Comparative Study of Topic Identification on Newspaper and E-mail. SPIRE 2001: 238-241
2EEFrédéric Bimbot, Marc El-Bèze, Stéphane Igounet, Michèle Jardino, Kamel Smaïli, Imed Zitouni: An alternative scheme for perplexity estimation and its assessment for the evaluation of language models. Computer Speech & Language 15(1): 1-13 (2001)
1EEArmelle Brun, Kamel Smaïli, Jean Paul Haton: Experiment Analysis in Newspaper Topic Detection. SPIRE 2000: 55-64

Coauthor Index

1Brigitte Bigi [3]
2Frédéric Bimbot [2]
3Armelle Brun [1] [3]
4Olivier Curé [8]
5Khalid Daoudi [7]
6Murat Deviren [7]
7Marc El-Bèze [2]
8Jean Paul Haton [1] [3] [4] [5] [6]
9Stéphane Igounet [2]
10Salma Jamoussi [6]
11Michèle Jardino [2]
12David Langlois [4] [9]
13Caroline Lavecchia [9]
14Sylvain Raybaud [9]
15Chahnez Zakaria [8]
16Imed Zitouni [2] [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)