
Steve J. Culley

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12EELlewellyn C. M. Tang, Yuyang Zhao, Simon Austin, Mansur J. Darlington, Steve J. Culley: A characteristic based information evaluation model. WICOW 2008: 89-92
11EEMansur J. Darlington, Steve J. Culley: Investigating ontology development for engineering design support. Advanced Engineering Informatics 22(1): 112-134 (2008)
10EEGregory Huet, Steve J. Culley, Chris A. McMahon, Clement Fortin: Making sense of engineering design review activities. AI EDAM 21(3): 243-266 (2007)
9EED. R. Campbell, Steve J. Culley, Chris A. McMahon, Florence Sellini: An approach for the capture of context-dependent document relationships extracted from Bayesian analysis of users' interactions with information. Inf. Retr. 10(2): 115-141 (2007)
8EEShaofeng Liu, Chris A. McMahon, Mansur J. Darlington, Steve J. Culley, Peter J. Wild: An Approach for Document Fragment Retrieval and Its Formatting Issue in Engineering Information Management. ICCSA (2) 2006: 279-287
7EEShaofeng Liu, Chris A. McMahon, Mansur J. Darlington, Steve J. Culley, Peter J. Wild: A computational framework for retrieval of document fragments based on decomposition schemes in engineering information management. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(4): 401-413 (2006)
6EEB. J. Hicks, Steve J. Culley: An integrated modelling approach for the representation and embodiment of engineering systems with standard components. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 20(1): 96-113 (2004)
5 Chris A. McMahon, Rose Crossland, Alistair Lowe, Tulan Shah, J. H. Sims Williams, Steve J. Culley: No zero match browsing of hierarchically categorized information entities. AI EDAM 16(3): 243-257 (2002)
4EEB. J. Hicks, Steve J. Culley: An integrated modelling environment for the embodiment of mechanical systems. Computer-Aided Design 34(6): 435-451 (2002)
3EER. D. Allen, B. J. Hicks, Steve J. Culley: Handling electronic information for mechanical systems design. IJITM 1(4): 367-384 (2002)
2 S. Potter, Mansur J. Darlington, Steve J. Culley, P. K. Chawdhry: Design synthesis knowledge and inductive machine learning. AI EDAM 15(3): 233-249 (2001)
1EESteve J. Culley: Engineering databases - Connecting islands of automation through databases : J L Encarnacao and P C Lockemann (Eds.) Springer-Verlag (1990) 229 pp, ISBN 3 540 52059 7. Computer-Aided Design 24(5): 287 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1R. D. Allen [3]
2Simon Austin [12]
3D. R. Campbell [9]
4P. K. Chawdhry [2]
5Rose Crossland [5]
6Mansur J. Darlington [2] [7] [8] [11] [12]
7Clement Fortin [10]
8B. J. Hicks [3] [4] [6]
9Gregory Huet [10]
10Shaofeng Liu [7] [8]
11Alistair Lowe [5]
12Chris A. McMahon [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
13S. Potter [2]
14Florence Sellini [9]
15Tulan Shah [5]
16Llewellyn C. M. Tang [12]
17Peter J. Wild [7] [8]
18J. H. Sims Williams [5]
19Yuyang Zhao [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)