
Donna Cox

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7EEJason Leigh, Luc Renambot, Andrew E. Johnson, Byungil Jeong, Ratko Jagodic, Nicholas Schwarz, Dmitry Svistula, Rajvikram Singh, Julieta Aguilera, Xi Wang, Venkatram Vishwanath, Brenda Lopez, Daniel J. Sandin, Tom Peterka, Javier Girado, Robert Kooima, Jinghua Ge, Lance Long, Alan Verlo, Thomas A. DeFanti, Maxine D. Brown, Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Patrick Dorn, Paul Wefel, Stuart Levy, Jonas Talandis, Joe Reitzer, Tom Prudhomme, Tom Coffin, Brian Davis, Paul Wielinga, Bram Stolk, Gee Bum Koo, Jaeyoun Kim, Sangwoo Han, JongWon Kim, Brian Corrie II, Todd Zimmerman, Pierre Boulanger, Manuel Garcia: The global lambda visualization facility: An international ultra-high-definition wide-area visualization collaboratory. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 22(8): 964-971 (2006)
6EEMatthew Hall, Alex Betts, Donna Cox, David Pointer, Volodymyr V. Kindratenko: The Visible Radio: Process Visualization of a Software-Defined Radio. IEEE Visualization 2005: 21
5EEDonna Cox, Volodymyr V. Kindratenko, David Pointer: IntelliBadgeTM: Towards Providing Location-Aware Value-Added Services at Academic Conferences. Ubicomp 2003: 264-280
4EERalf Kähler, Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Stuart Levy, Hans-Christian Hege, Tom Abel: Rendering The First Star In The Universe - A Case Study. IEEE Visualization 2002
3EEDonna Cox: Visualization and Virtual Reality for Art and Science. Computer Graphics International 1999: 34-
2EEWilliam R. Sherman, Nina Adams, Rita K. Addison, R. Bowen Loftin, Ben Britton, Donna Cox, Robert Patterson: Experiences with virtual reality applications (panel). SIGGRAPH 1997: 473-476
1EETheresa-Marie Rhyne, George Brett, Donald P. Brutzman, Donna Cox, Adelino Santos: Exploiting networks for visualization and collaboration: no network roadblocks? SIGGRAPH 1994: 481-482

Coauthor Index

1Tom Abel [4]
2Nina Adams [2]
3Rita K. Addison [2]
4Julieta Aguilera [7]
5Alex Betts [6]
6Pierre Boulanger [7]
7George Brett [1]
8Ben Britton [2]
9Maxine D. Brown [7]
10Donald P. Brutzman [1]
11Tom Coffin [7]
12Brian Corrie II [7]
13Brian Davis [7]
14Thomas A. DeFanti [7]
15Patrick Dorn [7]
16Manuel Garcia [7]
17Jinghua Ge [7]
18Javier Girado [7]
19Matthew Hall [6]
20Sangwoo Han [7]
21Hans-Christian Hege [4]
22Ratko Jagodic [7]
23Byungil Jeong [7]
24Andrew E. Johnson [7]
25Ralf Kähler [4]
26Jaeyoun Kim [7]
27JongWon Kim (Jongwon Kim) [7]
28Volodymyr V. Kindratenko [5] [6]
29Gee Bum Koo [7]
30Robert Kooima [7]
31Jason Leigh [7]
32Stuart Levy [4] [7]
33R. Bowen Loftin [2]
34Lance Long [7]
35Brenda Lopez [7]
36Robert Patterson [2] [4] [7]
37Tom Peterka [7]
38David Pointer [5] [6]
39Tom Prudhomme [7]
40Joe Reitzer [7]
41Luc Renambot [7]
42Theresa-Marie Rhyne [1]
43Daniel J. Sandin [7]
44Adelino Santos [1]
45Nicholas Schwarz [7]
46William R. Sherman [2]
47Rajvikram Singh [7]
48Bram Stolk [7]
49Dmitry Svistula [7]
50Jonas Talandis [7]
51Alan Verlo [7]
52Venkatram Vishwanath [7]
53Xi Wang [7]
54Paul Wefel [7]
55Paul Wielinga [7]
56Todd Zimmerman [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)