
George F. Corliss

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19EELouis B. Rall, George F. Corliss: Automatic Differentiation: Point and Interval. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 165-170
18EEJames B. Walters, George F. Corliss: Automatic Differentiation: Point and Interval Taylor Operators. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 170-176
17EEGeorge F. Corliss, Louis B. Rall: Bounding Derivative Ranges. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 318-325
16EEJohn D. Pryce, George F. Corliss, R. Baker Kearfott, Nedialko S. Nedialkov, Spencer Smith: Second Note on Basic Interval Arithmetic for IEEE754R. Numerical Validation in Current Hardware Architectures 2008
15EEGeorge F. Corliss, R. Baker Kearfott, Nedialko S. Nedialkov, John D. Pryce, Spencer Smith: Interval Subroutine Library Mission. Reliable Implementation of Real Number Algorithms 2008: 28-43
14EENancy L. Sobczak, George F. Corliss, Martin A. Seitz, Peter J. Tonellato: Cluster Methodology Defines Archetype Sentinel Consomic Rats. CIBCB 2007: 54-57
13EEGeorge F. Corliss, Christopher Foley, R. Baker Kearfott: Formulation for Reliable Analysis of Structural Frames. Reliable Computing 13(2): 125-147 (2007)
12EEGeorge F. Corliss, R. Baker Kearfott, Nedialko S. Nedialkov, John D. Pryce, Spencer Smith: Interval Subroutine Library Mission. Reliable Implementation of Real Number Algorithms 2006
11EEJohn D. Pryce, George F. Corliss: Interval Arithmetic with Containment Sets. Computing 78(3): 251-276 (2006)
10EEGeorge F. Corliss, Kaj Madsen: Second Scandinavian Workshop on Interval Methods and Their Applications. Reliable Computing 12(2): 167-169 (2006)
9EEGeorge F. Corliss, Jun Yu: Interval Testing Strategies Applied to COSY's Interval and Taylor Model Arithmetic. Numerical Software with Result Verification 2003: 91-106
8EENedialko S. Nedialkov, Kenneth R. Jackson, George F. Corliss: Validated solutions of initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 105(1): 21-68 (1999)
7EEGeorge F. Corliss: Reminiscences "Back in the Good Old Days...". Reliable Computing 5(2): 209-209 (1999)
6EEPaulina Chin, Robert M. Corless, George F. Corliss: Optimization Strategies for the Approximate GCD Problem. ISSAC 1998: 228-235
5EEGeorge F. Corliss, Ramon E. Moore: 1998 SIAM Annual Meeting: Interval Highlights - Toronto, July 13-17, 1998. Reliable Computing 4(4): 411-412 (1998)
4 George F. Corliss, Andreas Griewank, Petra Henneberger, Gabriella Kirlinger, Florian A. Potra, Hans J. Stetter: High-Order Stiff ODE Solvers via Automatic Differentiation and Rational Prediction. WNAA 1996: 114-125
3EEChristian H. Bischof, Alan Carle, George F. Corliss, Andreas Griewank: ADIFOR: Automatic Differentiation in a Source Translator Environment. ISSAC 1992: 294-302
2EEChristian H. Bischof, Alan Carle, George F. Corliss, Andreas Griewank, Paul D. Hovland: ADIFOR - Generating Derivative Codes form Fortran Programs. Scientific Programming 1(1): 11-29 (1992)
1EEGeorge F. Corliss: Computer graphics assisted numerical analysis instruction. Computers & Graphics 2(1): 11-13 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Christian H. Bischof [2] [3]
2Alan Carle [2] [3]
3Paulina Chin [6]
4Robert M. Corless [6]
5Christopher Foley [13]
6Andreas Griewank [2] [3] [4]
7Petra Henneberger [4]
8Paul D. Hovland [2]
9Kenneth R. Jackson [8]
10R. Baker Kearfott [12] [13] [15] [16]
11Gabriella Kirlinger [4]
12Kaj Madsen [10]
13Ramon E. Moore [5]
14Nedialko S. Nedialkov [8] [12] [15] [16]
15Florian A. Potra [4]
16John D. Pryce [11] [12] [15] [16]
17Louis B. Rall [17] [19]
18Martin A. Seitz [14]
19Spencer Smith [12] [15] [16]
20Nancy L. Sobczak [14]
21Hans J. Stetter [4]
22Peter J. Tonellato [14]
23James B. Walters [18]
24Jun Yu [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)