
Florian A. Potra

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13EEJun Ji, Florian A. Potra: On the probabilistic complexity of finding an approximate solution for linear programming. J. Complexity 24(2): 214-227 (2008)
12EEFlorian A. Potra: Corrector-predictor methods for monotone linear complementarity problems in a wide neighborhood of the central path. Math. Program. 111(1-2): 243-272 (2008)
11EEFlorian A. Potra: A superlinearly convergent predictor-corrector method for degenerate LCP in a wide neighborhood of the central path with O(ÖnL)-iteration complexity. Math. Program. 110(2): 443-444 (2007)
10EEFlorian A. Potra, Xing Liu, Françoise Seillier-Moiseiwitsch, Anindya Roy, Yaming Hang, Mark R. Marten, Babu Raman, Carol Whisnant: Protein Image Alignment via Piecewise Affine Transformations. Journal of Computational Biology 13(3): 614-630 (2006)
9EEFlorian A. Potra, Xing Liu: Aligning Families of Two-Dimensional Gels by a Combined Multiresolution Forward-Inverse Transformation Approach. Journal of Computational Biology 13(7): 1384-1395 (2006)
8EEFlorian A. Potra: The Kantorovich Theorem and interior point methods. Math. Program. 102(1): 47-70 (2005)
7EEFlorian A. Potra: A superlinearly convergent predictor-corrector method for degenerate LCP in a wide neighborhood of the central path with -iteration complexity. Math. Program. 100(2): 317-337 (2004)
6EEFlorian A. Potra: The Mizuno-Todd-Ye algorithm in a larger neighborhood of the central path. European Journal of Operational Research 143(2): 257-267 (2002)
5 George F. Corliss, Andreas Griewank, Petra Henneberger, Gabriella Kirlinger, Florian A. Potra, Hans J. Stetter: High-Order Stiff ODE Solvers via Automatic Differentiation and Rational Prediction. WNAA 1996: 114-125
4 Florian A. Potra, Rongqin Sheng: Predictor-corrector algorithm for solving P*(k)-matrix LCP from arbitrary positive starting points. Math. Program. 76: 223-244 (1996)
3EEG. E. Alefeld, Florian A. Potra, Yixun Shi: Algorithm 748: Enclosing Zeros of Continuous Functions. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 21(3): 327-344 (1995)
2EEFlorian A. Potra: Efficient Hybrid Algorithms for Finding Zeros of Convex Functions. J. Complexity 10(2): 199-215 (1994)
1 Florian A. Potra: A quadratically convergent predictor-corrector method for solving linear programs from infeasible starting points. Math. Program. 67: 383-406 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1G. E. Alefeld [3]
2George F. Corliss [5]
3Andreas Griewank [5]
4Yaming Hang [10]
5Petra Henneberger [5]
6Jun Ji [13]
7Gabriella Kirlinger [5]
8Xing Liu [9] [10]
9Mark R. Marten [10]
10Babu Raman [10]
11Anindya Roy [10]
12Françoise Seillier-Moiseiwitsch [10]
13Rongqin Sheng [4]
14Yixun Shi [3]
15Hans J. Stetter [5]
16Carol Whisnant [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)