
David Milward

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15EEDavid Milward: Ontology-Based Interactive Information Extraction. Ontologies and Text Mining for Life Sciences 2008
14EEMartin Beveridge, John Fox, David Milward: Speech Interfaces for Point-of-Care Guideline Systems. AIME 2003: 76-80
13EEMartin Beveridge, David Milward: Combining Task Descriptions and Ontological Knowledge for Adaptive Dialogue. TSD 2003: 341-348
12EEDavid Milward: Distributing Representation for Robust Interpretation of Dialogue Utterances. ACL 2000
11EEKarsten Konrad, Holger Maier, David Milward, Manfred Pinkal: An Education and Research Tool for Computational Semantics. COLING 1996: 1098-1101
10 Karsten Konrad, Holger Maier, Manfred Pinkal, David Milward: CLEARS - Ein Werkzeug für Ausbildung und Forschung in der Computerlinguistik. KONVENS 1996: 379-387
9EEDavid Milward, Karsten Konrad, Holger Maier, Manfred Pinkal: CLEARS - An Education and Research Tool for Computational Semantics CoRR cmp-lg/9608005: (1996)
8EEDavid Milward: Incremental Interpretation of Categorial Grammar. EACL 1995: 119-126
7EEDavid Milward, Robin Cooper: Incremental Interpretation: Applications, Theory, and Relationship to Dynamic Semantics CoRR cmp-lg/9503013: (1995)
6EEDavid Milward: Non-Constituent Coordination: Theory and Practice CoRR cmp-lg/9503014: (1995)
5EEDavid Milward: Incremental Interpretation of Categorial Grammar CoRR cmp-lg/9503015: (1995)
4EEDavid Milward, Robin Cooper: Incremental Interpretation: Applications, Theory, And Relationship To Dynamic Semantics. COLING 1994: 748-754
3EEDavid Milward: Non-Constituent Coordination: Theory And Practice. COLING 1994: 935-941
2EEDavid Milward: Dynamics, Dependency Grammar And Incremental Interpretation. COLING 1992: 1095-1099
1EEDavid Milward: Coordination in an Axiomatic Grammar. COLING 1990: 207-212

Coauthor Index

1Martin Beveridge [13] [14]
2Robin Cooper [4] [7]
3John Fox [14]
4Karsten Konrad [9] [10] [11]
5Holger Maier [9] [10] [11]
6Manfred Pinkal [9] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)