
Daniel C. Cliburn

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8EEDaniel C. Cliburn, Todd Heino: A Comparison of Maps and Signs for Ordered and Unordered Navigation Tasks in Virtual Worlds. HICSS 2009: 1-8
7EEDaniel C. Cliburn, Jeffrey L. Gross: Second Life as a Medium for Lecturing in College Courses. HICSS 2009: 1-8
6EEDaniel C. Cliburn, Susan Miller: Games, stories, or something more traditional: the types of assignments college students prefer. SIGCSE 2008: 138-142
5EEDaniel C. Cliburn, Stacy Rilea: Showing Users the Way: Signs in Virtual Worlds. VR 2008: 129-132
4EEDaniel C. Cliburn, Tess Winlock, Stacy Rilea, Matt Van Donsel: Dynamic landmark placement as a navigation aid in virtual worlds. VRST 2007: 211-214
3EEDaniel C. Cliburn: A CS0 course for the liberal arts. SIGCSE 2006: 77-81
2 James R. Miller, Johannes J. Feddema, Terry A. Slocum, Daniel C. Cliburn: Modeling and Visualizing Uncertainty in a Global Water Balance Model. SAC 2003: 972-978
1EEDaniel C. Cliburn, Johannes J. Feddema, James R. Miller, Terry A. Slocum: Design and evaluation of a decision support system in a water balance application. Computers & Graphics 26(6): 931-949 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Matt Van Donsel [4]
2Johannes J. Feddema [1] [2]
3Jeffrey L. Gross [7]
4Todd Heino [8]
5James R. Miller [1] [2]
6Susan Miller [6]
7Stacy Rilea [4] [5]
8Terry A. Slocum [1] [2]
9Tess Winlock [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)