
Stephen Clark

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21EELaura Rimell, Stephen Clark: Adapting a Lexicalized-Grammar Parser to Contrasting Domains. EMNLP 2008: 475-484
20EEYue Zhang, Stephen Clark: A Tale of Two Parsers: Investigating and Combining Graph-based and Transition-based Dependency Parsing. EMNLP 2008: 562-571
19EEBrian Harrington, Stephen Clark: ASKNet: Creating and Evaluating Large Scale Integrated Semantic Networks. ICSC 2008: 166-173
18 Brian Harrington, Stephen Clark: ASKNet: Automated Semantic Knowledge Network. AAAI 2007: 889-894
17EEYue Zhang, Stephen Clark: Chinese Segmentation with a Word-Based Perceptron Algorithm. ACL 2007
16EEStephen Clark, James R. Curran: Formalism-Independent Parser Evaluation with CCG and DepBank. ACL 2007
15EEJames R. Curran, Stephen Clark, Johan Bos: Linguistically Motivated Large-Scale NLP with C&C and Boxer. ACL 2007
14EEStephen Clark, James R. Curran: Wide-Coverage Efficient Statistical Parsing with CCG and Log-Linear Models. Computational Linguistics 33(4): 493-552 (2007)
13EEJane Cleland-Huang, Brian Berenbach, Stephen Clark, Raffaella Settimi, Eli Romanova: Best Practices for Automated Traceability. IEEE Computer 40(6): 27-35 (2007)
12EEJames R. Curran, Stephen Clark, David Vadas: Multi-Tagging for Lexicalized-Grammar Parsing. ACL 2006
11EEStephen Clark, James R. Curran: Partial Training for a Lexicalized-Grammar Parser. HLT-NAACL 2006
10EEStephen Clark, James R. Curran: Parsing the WSJ Using CCG and Log-Linear Models. ACL 2004: 103-110
9EEMark Steedman, Anoop Sarkar, Miles Osborne, Rebecca Hwa, Stephen Clark, Julia Hockenmaier, Paul Ruhlen, Steven Baker, Jeremiah Crim: Bootstrapping statistical parsers from small datasets. EACL 2003: 331-338
8EEJames R. Curran, Stephen Clark: Investigating GIS and Smoothing for Maximum Entropy Taggers. EACL 2003: 91-98
7EEMark Steedman, Rebecca Hwa, Stephen Clark, Miles Osborne, Anoop Sarkar, Julia Hockenmaier, Paul Ruhlen, Steven Baker, Jeremiah Crim: Example Selection for Bootstrapping Statistical Parsers. HLT-NAACL 2003
6EEJochen L. Leidner, Johan Bos, Tiphaine Dalmas, James R. Curran, Stephen Clark, Colin J. Bannard, Bonnie L. Webber, Mark Steedman: QED: The Edinburgh TREC-2003 Question Answering System. TREC 2003: 631-635
5EEStephen Clark, Julia Hockenmaier, Mark Steedman: Building Deep Dependency Structures using a Wide-Coverage CCG Parser. ACL 2002: 327-334
4EETim Willis, Helen Pain, Shari Trewin, Stephen Clark: Informing Flexible Abbreviation Expansion for Users with Motor Disabilities. ICCHP 2002: 251-258
3 Stephen Clark, David J. Weir: Class-Based Probability Estimation Using a Semantic Hierarchy. Computational Linguistics 28(2): 187-206 (2002)
2EEStephen Clark, David J. Weir: Class-Based Probability Estimation Using a Semantic Hierarchy. NAACL 2001
1EEStephen Clark, David J. Weir: A Class-based Probabilistic approach to Structural Disambiguation. COLING 2000: 194-200

Coauthor Index

1Steven Baker [7] [9]
2Colin J. Bannard [6]
3Brian Berenbach [13]
4Johan Bos [6] [15]
5Jane Cleland-Huang [13]
6Jeremiah Crim [7] [9]
7James R. Curran [6] [8] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16]
8Tiphaine Dalmas [6]
9Brian Harrington [18] [19]
10Julia Hockenmaier [5] [7] [9]
11Rebecca Hwa [7] [9]
12Jochen L. Leidner [6]
13Miles Osborne [7] [9]
14Helen Pain [4]
15Laura Rimell [21]
16Eli Romanova [13]
17Paul Ruhlen [7] [9]
18Anoop Sarkar [7] [9]
19Raffaella Settimi [13]
20Mark Steedman [5] [6] [7] [9]
21Shari Trewin [4]
22David Vadas [12]
23Bonnie L. Webber [6]
24David J. Weir [1] [2] [3]
25Tim Willis [4]
26Yue Zhang [17] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)