
Jochen L. Leidner

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13EEMichael Wiegand, Jochen L. Leidner, Dietrich Klakow: Combining term-based and event-based matching for question answering. SIGIR 2007: 715-716
12EEJochen L. Leidner: Resource monitoring in information extraction. SIGIR 2007: 779-780
11EEDan Shen, Michael Wiegand, Andreas Merkel, Stefan Kazalski, Sabine Hunsicker, Jochen L. Leidner, Dietrich Klakow: The Alyssa System at TREC QA 2007: Do We Need Blog06? TREC 2007
10EEJochen L. Leidner: Toponym resolution in text: annotation, evaluation and applications of spatial grounding. SIGIR Forum 41(2): 124-126 (2007)
9EEDan Shen, Jochen L. Leidner, Andreas Merkel, Dietrich Klakow: The Alyssa System at TREC 2006: A Statistically-Inspired Question Answering System. TREC 2006
8EEJochen L. Leidner: An evaluation dataset for the toponym resolution task. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 30(4): 400-417 (2006)
7EEJochen L. Leidner: Experiments with Geo-Filtering Predicates for IR. CLEF 2005: 987-996
6EEJochen L. Leidner: A wireless natural language search engine. SIGIR 2005: 677
5EEKisuh Ahn, Beatrice Alex, Johan Bos, Tiphaine Dalmas, Jochen L. Leidner, Matthew Smillie: Cross-Lingual Question Answering Using Off-the-Shelf Machine Translation. CLEF 2004: 446-457
4EEJochen L. Leidner: Toponym resolution in text (abstract only): "which sheffield is it?". SIGIR 2004: 602
3EEJochen L. Leidner: Open-Domain Question Answering from Large Text Collection, M. Pa[scedil]ca. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13(3): 373-376 (2004)
2EEJochen L. Leidner, Johan Bos, Tiphaine Dalmas, James R. Curran, Stephen Clark, Colin J. Bannard, Bonnie L. Webber, Mark Steedman: QED: The Edinburgh TREC-2003 Question Answering System. TREC 2003: 631-635
1EEJochen L. Leidner: Question Answering over Unstructured Data without Domain Restrictions CoRR cs.CL/0207058: (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Kisuh Ahn [5]
2Beatrice Alex [5]
3Colin J. Bannard [2]
4Johan Bos [2] [5]
5Stephen Clark [2]
6James R. Curran [2]
7Tiphaine Dalmas [2] [5]
8Sabine Hunsicker [11]
9Stefan Kazalski [11]
10Dietrich Klakow [9] [11] [13]
11Andreas Merkel [9] [11]
12Dan Shen [9] [11]
13Matthew Smillie [5]
14Mark Steedman [2]
15Bonnie L. Webber [2]
16Michael Wiegand [11] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)