
Yongwha Chung

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37EESungju Lee, Daesung Moon, Seunghwan Jung, Yongwha Chung: Protecting Secret Keys with Fuzzy Fingerprint Vault Based on a 3D Geometric Hash Table. ICANNGA (2) 2007: 432-439
36EEDaesung Moon, Sungju Lee, Seunghwan Jung, Yongwha Chung, Miae Park, Okyeon Yi: Fingerprint Template Protection Using Fuzzy Vault. ICCSA (3) 2007: 1141-1151
35EEHakjae Kim, Sungju Lee, Daesung Moon, Yongwha Chung: Energy-Efficient Transmissions of Fingerprint Images Using Both Encryption and Fingerprinting Techniques. ICIC (3) 2007: 858-867
34EEKyoung Park, Soo-Cheol Oh, Seongwoon Kim, Yongwha Chung: A Network I/O Architecture for Terminal-Initiated Traffics in an Ubiquitous Service Server. ICOIN 2007: 161-170
33EESungju Lee, Daesung Moon, Yongwha Chung: Feature Distribution of the Fingerprint Template Generated by the Geometric Hashing-Based Fuzzy Vault. KES (2) 2007: 816-823
32EESung Bum Pan, Daesung Moon, Kichul Kim, Yongwha Chung: A VLSI Implementation of Minutiae Extraction for Secure Fingerprint Authentication. CIS 2006: 605-615
31EEByungkwan Park, Daesung Moon, Yongwha Chung, Jin-Won Park: Capacity Planning for Scalable Fingerprint Authentication. KES (1) 2006: 906-915
30EEHansung Lee, Yongwha Chung, Daihee Park: An Adaptive Intrusion Detection Algorithm Based on Clustering and Kernel-Method. PAKDD 2006: 603-610
29EEDaesung Moon, Sungju Lee, Seunghwan Jung, Yongwha Chung, Okyeon Yi, Namil Lee, Kiyoung Moon: Privacy-Enhancing Fingerprint Authentication Using Cancelable Templates with Passwords. WISA 2006: 100-109
28EEByungkwan Park, Daesung Moon, Yongwha Chung, Jin-Won Park: Impact of Embedding Scenarios on the Smart Card-Based Fingerprint Verification. WISA 2006: 110-120
27EEDaesung Moon, Taehae Kim, Seunghwan Jung, Yongwha Chung, Kiyoung Moon, Dosung Ahn, Sang-Kyoon Kim: Performance Evaluation of Watermarking Techniques for Secure Multimodal Biometric Systems. CIS (2) 2005: 635-642
26EEYongwha Chung, Daesung Moon, Sungju Lee, Seunghwan Jung, Taehae Kim, Dosung Ahn: Automatic Alignment of Fingerprint Features for Fuzzy Fingerprint Vault. CISC 2005: 358-369
25EETaehae Kim, Yongwha Chung, Seunghwan Jung, Daesung Moon: Secure Remote Fingerprint Verification Using Dual Watermarks. DRMTICS 2005: 217-227
24EEDaesung Moon, Yongwha Chung, Kiyoung Moon, Sung Bum Pan: Secure and Efficient Transmissions of Fingerprint Images for Embedded Processors. ICIAR 2005: 1106-1117
23EEYongwha Chung, Daesung Moon, Kiyoung Moon, Sung Bum Pan: Hiding Biometric Data for Secure Transmission. KES (3) 2005: 1049-1057
22EEYongwha Chung, Kichul Kim, Min Kim, Sung Bum Pan, Neungsoo Park: A Hardware Implementation for Fingerprint Retrieval. KES (3) 2005: 374-380
21EEYongwha Chung, Daesung Moon, Taehae Kim, Sung Bum Pan: A Secure Fingerprint Authentication System on an Untrusted Computing Environment. TrustBus 2005: 299-310
20EEYongwha Chung, Daesung Moon, Sung Bum Pan, Min Kim, Kichul Kim: A Hardware Implementation of Fingerprint Verification for Secure Biometric Authentication Systems. ICIAR (2) 2004: 770-777
19EEYoun-Hee Gil, Dosung Ahn, Choonwoo Ryu, Sung Bum Pan, Yongwha Chung: User Enrollment Using Multiple Snapshots of Fingerprint. ICONIP 2004: 344-349
18EEYongwha Chung, Daesung Moon, Taehae Kim, Jin-Won Park: Workload Dispatch Planning for Real-Time Fingerprint Authentication on a Sensor-Client-Server Model. PDCAT 2004: 833-838
17 Yongwha Chung, Byung-Hee Hwang, Woo-Yong Choi, Daesung Moon, Sung Bum Pan, Sang-Hwa Chung: A Hardware Implementation of Speaker Verification Using Support Vector Machine. Security and Management 2004: 353-358
16EEYoun-Hee Gil, Dosung Ahn, Sung Bum Pan, Yongwha Chung: Access Control System with High Level Security Using Fingerprints. AIPR 2003: 238-243
15EESungwook Joun, Hakil Kim, Yongwha Chung, Dosung Ahn: An Experimental Study on Measuring Image Quality of Infant Fingerprints. KES 2003: 1261-1269
14EEDaesung Moon, Youn-Hee Gil, Sung Bum Pan, Yongwha Chung: Implementation of the USB Token System for Fingerprint Verification. SCIA 2003: 998-1005
13EEDaesung Moon, Youn-Hee Gil, Dosung Ahn, Sung Bum Pan, Yongwha Chung, Chee-Hang Park: Fingerprint-Based Authentication for USB Token Systems. WISA 2003: 355-364
12 Daesung Moon, Youn-Hee Gil, Sung Bum Pan, Yongwha Chung: A Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Using Image Recognition and Fuzzy Control. IC-AI 2002: 135-138
11EEYoun-Hee Gil, Daesung Moon, Sung Bum Pan, Yongwha Chung: Fingerprint Verification System Involving Smart Card. ICISC 2002: 510-524
10EEKyunghee Lee, Yongwha Chung, Hyeran Byun: Face Recognition Using Support Vector Machines with the Feature Set Extracted by Genetic Algorithms. AVBPA 2001: 32-37
9 Youn-Hee Gil, Yongwha Chung, Dosung Ahn, Jihyun Moon, Hakil Kim: Performance Analysis of Smart Card-Based Fingerprint Recognition For Secure User Authentication. I3E 2001: 87-96
8EEYongwha Chung, Hiecheol Kim, Jin-Won Park, Kangwoo Lee: Performance evaluation for CC-NUMA multiprocessors using an OLTP workload. Microprocessors and Microsystems 25(4): 221-229 (2001)
7EEYongwha Chung, K. Park, W. Hahn, Neungsoo Park, Viktor K. Prasanna: Performance of On-Chip Multiprocessors for Vision Tasks. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 242-249
6EEYongwha Chung, Jin-Won Park: Solving Irregular Inter-processor Data Dependency in Image Understanding Tasks. ACPC 1999: 236-245
5EEYongwha Chung, Viktor K. Prasanna: Parallelizing Image Feature Extraction on Coarse-Grain Machines. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 20(12): 1389-1394 (1998)
4 Yongwha Chung, Cho-Li Wang, Viktor K. Prasanna: Parallel Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping on Distributed Memory Machines. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 50(1/2): 123-143 (1998)
3EESeonil Choi, Viktor K. Prasanna, Yongwha Chung: Configurable Hardware for Symbolic Search Operations. ICPADS 1997: 122-131
2EEYongwha Chung: An Algorithmic Framework for Parallelizing Vision Computations on Distributed-Memory Machines. ICPADS 1997: 160-165
1 Yongwha Chung, Viktor K. Prasanna: An Asynchronous Parallel Algorithm for Symbolic Grouping Operations in Vision. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 123-130

Coauthor Index

1Dosung Ahn [9] [13] [15] [16] [19] [26] [27]
2Hyeran Byun [10]
3Seonil Choi [3]
4Woo-Yong Choi [17]
5Sang-Hwa Chung [17]
6Youn-Hee Gil [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [19]
7W. Hahn [7]
8Byung-Hee Hwang [17]
9Sungwook Joun [15]
10Seunghwan Jung [25] [26] [27] [29] [36] [37]
11Hakil Kim [9] [15]
12Hakjae Kim [35]
13Hiecheol Kim [8]
14Kichul Kim [20] [22] [32]
15Min Kim [20] [22]
16Sang-Kyoon Kim [27]
17Seongwoon Kim [34]
18Taehae Kim [18] [21] [25] [26] [27]
19Hansung Lee [30]
20Kangwoo Lee [8]
21Kyunghee Lee [10]
22Namil Lee [29]
23Sungju Lee [26] [29] [33] [35] [36] [37]
24Daesung Moon [11] [12] [13] [14] [17] [18] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [31] [32] [33] [35] [36] [37]
25Jihyun Moon [9]
26Kiyoung Moon [23] [24] [27] [29]
27Soo-Cheol Oh [34]
28Sung Bum Pan [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [32]
29Byungkwan Park [28] [31]
30Chee-Hang Park [13]
31Daihee Park [30]
32Jin-Won Park [6] [8] [18] [28] [31]
33K. Park [7]
34Kyoung Park [34]
35Miae Park [36]
36Neungsoo Park [7] [22]
37Viktor K. Prasanna (V. K. Prasanna Kumar) [1] [3] [4] [5] [7]
38Choonwoo Ryu [19]
39Cho-Li Wang [4]
40Okyeon Yi [29] [36]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)