
Paul Christ

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10EEChristine Guillemot, Paul Christ: Joint source-channel coding as an element of a QoS framework for '4G' wireless multimedia. Computer Communications 27(8): 762-779 (2004)
9EEChristine Guillemot, Stefan Wesner, Paul Christ: Integrating MPEG-4 into the Internet. ECMAST 1999: 181-196
8 Paul Christ: Gigabit ATM - Another Technical Mistake? SYBEN 1998: 282-283
7 Edgar Gabriel, Michael M. Resch, Paul Christ, Alfred Geiger, Ulrich Lang: High Performance Metacomputing in a Transatlantic Wide Area Application Testbed. Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing 1998: 131-142
6 Andreas Rozek, Paul Christ: The CIO Multimedia Communication Platform. COST 237 Workshop 1994: 356-367
5 J. P. Peltier, Paul Christ: Networking Perspectives for Collaborative Supercomputing in European Aerospace Research and Industry. HPCN 1994: 53-59
4 Peter J. Haas, Paul Christ: Networking Issues in PAGEIN: The "N" of "HPCN". HPCN 1994: 86-93
3 Andreas Rozek, Paul Christ: The CIO Multimedia Communication Platform. IWACA 1994: 251-265
2 Paul Christ: The Environment of the Stuttgart Tetrahedron. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 21(4): 253-260 (1991)
1 Paul Christ, Lothar Ehnis, Christoph Leser, Roland Rühle: Distributed Scientific Applications. Aspects of Support, Development and Management in an OSI Environment. ICCC 1986: 692-697

Coauthor Index

1Lothar Ehnis [1]
2Edgar Gabriel [7]
3Alfred Geiger [7]
4Christine Guillemot [9] [10]
5Peter J. Haas [4]
6Ulrich Lang [7]
7Christoph Leser [1]
8J. P. Peltier [5]
9Michael M. Resch [7]
10Andreas Rozek [3] [6]
11Roland Rühle [1]
12Stefan Wesner [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)