
WoongChul Choi

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13EEYongSuk Lee, WoongChul Choi, SukJoong Kang, Seongje Cho: Multi-channel Enhancements for IEEE 802.11-Based Multi-hop Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks. EUC Workshops 2007: 82-92
12EEEunchang Choi, Jae-Doo Huh, Soo-Joong Kim, WoongChul Choi: Energy Efficient PNC Selection Procedure for the IEEE 802.15.3-Based HR-WPAN. EUC Workshops 2006: 83-92
11EESeongje Cho, Hye-Young Chang, HongGeun Kim, WoongChul Choi: SoIDPS: Sensor Objects-Based Intrusion Detection and Prevention System and Its Implementation. CIS (2) 2005: 260-266
10EESunhun Lee, Jungmin Lee, Kwangsue Chung, WoongChul Choi, Seung Hyong Rhee: BEST: Buffer-Driven Efficient Streaming Protocol. ICCSA (4) 2005: 1231-1240
9EESi-Ho Cha, WoongChul Choi, Kuk-Hyun Cho: An EJB-Based Platform for Policy-Based QoS Management of DiffServ Enabled Next Generation Networks. ICN (1) 2005: 794-801
8EEWoongChul Choi, Kwangsue Chung, Seung Hyong Rhee, Jin-Woong Cho: WFCTA(Weighted Fair Channel Time Allocation) and Its Analysis for HR-WPAN. ISSADS 2005: 358-367
7EEWoongChul Choi, JinWoo Han, Byung Joon Park, Jiman Hong: BCTMA(Bi-directional Cut-Through Medium Access) Protocol for 802.11-Based Multi-hop Wireless Networks. ISSADS 2005: 377-387
6EEWoongChul Choi, YongSuk Lee, Byung Joon Park, Kuk-Hyun Cho: On Performance Improvement for 802.11-based Multi-hop Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. ISSADS 2005: 407-416
5EESeung Hyong Rhee, Wangjong Lee, WoongChul Choi, Kwangsue Chung, Jang-Yeon Lee, Jin-Woong Cho: Full-Duplex Transmission on the Unidirectional Links of High-Rate Wireless PANs. MSN 2005: 11-20
4EEMyung-hee Kang, Hwang-bin Ryou, WoongChul Choi: Design of Anonymity-Preserving User Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Ubiquitous Computing Environments. WINE 2005: 491-499
3EESi-Ho Cha, Jong-Eon Lee, WoongChul Choi, Jae-Oh Lee, Kuk-Hyun Cho: Policy-Based Differentiated QoS Provisioning for DiffServ Enabled IP Networks. ICOIN 2004: 360-369
2EEWoongChul Choi, YongSuk Lee, Seung Hyong Rhee, Kwangsue Chung, Jang-Yeon Lee, Jin-Woong Cho, We-Duke Cho: End-to-end Performance Improvements for Multi-hop Ad-hoc Wireless Networks. WSTFEUS 2004: 53-52
1EEWoongChul Choi: Decoupling Bandwidth, Delay and Burstiness of PFQ Algorithm for QoS Guarantee of a Leaky Bucket Constraint Traffic. LCN 1999: 256-257

Coauthor Index

1Si-Ho Cha [3] [9]
2Hye-Young Chang [11]
3Jin-Woong Cho [2] [5] [8]
4Kuk-Hyun Cho [3] [6] [9]
5Seongje Cho [11] [13]
6We-Duke Cho [2]
7Eunchang Choi [12]
8Kwangsue Chung [2] [5] [8] [10]
9JinWoo Han [7]
10Jiman Hong [7]
11Jae-Doo Huh [12]
12Myung-hee Kang [4]
13SukJoong Kang [13]
14HongGeun Kim [11]
15Soo-Joong Kim [12]
16Jae-Oh Lee [3]
17Jang-Yeon Lee [2] [5]
18Jong-Eon Lee [3]
19Jungmin Lee [10]
20Sunhun Lee [10]
21Wangjong Lee [5]
22YongSuk Lee [2] [6] [13]
23Byung Joon Park [6] [7]
24Seung Hyong Rhee [2] [5] [8] [10]
25Hwang-bin Ryou [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)