
HongGeun Kim

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3EEHongGeun Kim, JungKyu Han, Seongje Cho: An efficient implementation of RC4 cipher for encrypting multimedia files on mobile devices. SAC 2007: 1171-1175
2EESeongje Cho, Hye-Young Chang, HongGeun Kim, WoongChul Choi: SoIDPS: Sensor Objects-Based Intrusion Detection and Prevention System and Its Implementation. CIS (2) 2005: 260-266
1EEHyungJong Kim, KyungHee Koh, DongHoon Shin, HongGeun Kim: Vulnerability Assessment Simulation for Information Infrastructure Protection. InfraSec 2002: 145-161

Coauthor Index

1Hye-Young Chang [2]
2Seongje Cho [2] [3]
3WoongChul Choi [2]
4JungKyu Han [3]
5HyungJong Kim [1]
6KyungHee Koh [1]
7DongHoon Shin [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)