
Seong Ik Cho

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8EEKyung S. Park, Il Haeng Cho, Gi Beom Hong, Tek-Jin Nam, Jin-Yung Park, Seong Ik Cho, In-Hak Joo: Disposition of Information Entities and Adequate Level of Information Presentation in an In-Car Augmented Reality Navigation System. HCI (9) 2007: 1098-1108
7EEKisung Lee, Yongkwon Kim, Seong Ik Cho, Kyungho Choi: Building Detection in Augmented Reality Based Navigation System. MMM (2) 2007: 544-551
6EEYongkwon Kim, Kisung Lee, Kyungho Choi, Seong Ik Cho: Building Recognition for Augmented Reality Based Navigation System. CIT 2006: 131
5EETae-Hyun Hwang, In-Hak Joo, Seong Ik Cho: Detection of Traffic Lights for Vision-Based Car Navigation System. PSIVT 2006: 682-691
4EEJong-Yeol Lee, Seong Ik Cho, In-Cheol Park: Performance enhancement of embedded software based on new register allocation technique. Microprocessors and Microsystems 29(4): 177-187 (2005)
3EESeong Ik Cho, Hideo Saito, Shinji Ozawa: Analytical Solution of Shape from Shading Problem. BMVC 1997
2EESeong Ik Cho, Hideo Saito, Shinji Ozawa: A Divide-and-conquer Strategy in Shape from Shading Problem. CVPR 1997: 413-419
1 Seong Ik Cho, Hideo Saito, Shinji Ozawa: A Divide-and-Conquer Strategy in Recovering Shape of Book Surface from Shading. ICIAP (2) 1997: 262-269

Coauthor Index

1Il Haeng Cho [8]
2Kyungho Choi [6] [7]
3Gi Beom Hong [8]
4Tae-Hyun Hwang [5]
5In-Hak Joo [5] [8]
6Yongkwon Kim [6] [7]
7Jong-Yeol Lee [4]
8Kisung Lee [6] [7]
9Tek-Jin Nam [8]
10Shinji Ozawa [1] [2] [3]
11In-Cheol Park [4]
12Jin-Yung Park [8]
13Kyung S. Park [8]
14Hideo Saito [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)