
Seong-Lyun Kim

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14EESeung-Woo Ko, Seong-Lyun Kim: Block Waterfilling with Power Borrowing for Multicarrier Communications. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
13EESunny Chang, Seong-Lyun Kim: Multi-User Water-Filling in Uplink OFDMA Systems. WCNC 2008: 1922-1926
12EEYoung-Woo Choi, Seong-Lyun Kim: Uplink Packet-Data Scheduling in DS-CDMA Systems. IEICE Transactions 91-B(1): 343-346 (2008)
11EEJune Hwang, Seong-Lyun Kim: Effect of Reading Errors on Location Prediction in RFID Indoor Networks. IEICE Transactions 91-B(2): 567-571 (2008)
10EEJune Hwang, Seong-Lyun Kim: A two-phase algorithm for network coding enabled cellular systems. IWCMC 2007: 73-78
9EEJung Min Park, Seong-Lyun Kim: Distributed throughput-maximization using the up- and downlink duality in wireless networks. IWCMC 2007: 97-102
8EERiku Jäntti, Seong-Lyun Kim: Joint data rate and power allocation for lifetime maximization in interference limited ad hoc networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(5): 1086-1094 (2006)
7EETran Minh Trung, Jeonghoon Mo, Seong-Lyun Kim: A Flow-Based Media Access Control (F-MAC) for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. IEICE Transactions 89-B(3): 756-763 (2006)
6EEYoung-Woo Choi, Seong-Lyun Kim, Sehun Kim: On the Multihop Packet Scheduling in Uplink DS-CDMA Systems. IEICE Transactions 89-B(8): 2249-2253 (2006)
5EETran Minh Trung, Seong-Lyun Kim: Flood Filtering and Route Selection for Energy-Efficient On-Demand Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. WONS 2004: 241-252
4EEFredrik Berggren, Seong-Lyun Kim: Energy-efficient control of rate and power in DS-CDMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(3): 725-733 (2004)
3EEWoncheol Cho, Seong-Lyun Kim: A fully distributed routing algorithm for maximizing lifetime of a wireless ad hoc network. MWCN 2002: 670-674
2 Fredrik Berggren, Seong-Lyun Kim, Riku Jäntti, Jens Zander: Joint power control and intracell scheduling of DS-CDMA nonreal time data. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19(10): 1860-1870 (2001)
1EEGeon Cho, Dong X. Shaw, Seong-Lyun Kim: An efficient algorithm for a capacitated subtree of a tree problem in local access telecommunication networks. Computers & OR 24(8): 737-748 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Fredrik Berggren [2] [4]
2Sunny Chang [13]
3Geon Cho [1]
4Woncheol Cho [3]
5Young-Woo Choi [6] [12]
6June Hwang [10] [11]
7Riku Jäntti [2] [8]
8Sehun Kim [6]
9Seung-Woo Ko [14]
10Jeonghoon Mo [7]
11Jung Min Park [9]
12Dong X. Shaw [1]
13Tran Minh Trung [5] [7]
14Jens Zander [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)