
H. Chang

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4 H. Chang, J. Gausemeier, S. Ihmels, C. Wenzelmann: Technology Intelligence with Bibliometrics. IMECS 2007: 796-800
3EEH. Chang, Eugene Shragowitz, Jian Liu, Habib Youssef, Bing Lu, Suphachai Sutanthavibul: Net criticality revisited: an effective method to improve timing in physical design. ISPD 2002: 155-160
2EES. DasGupta, H. Chang: Simulation of a computer with variable hardware and variable instruction set. Annual Simulation Symposium 1987: 1-12
1EEH. Chang: On Bubble Memories and Relational Data Base. VLDB 1978: 207-229

Coauthor Index

1S. DasGupta [2]
2J. Gausemeier [4]
3S. Ihmels [4]
4Jian Liu [3]
5Bing Lu [3]
6Eugene Shragowitz [3]
7Suphachai Sutanthavibul [3]
8C. Wenzelmann [4]
9Habib Youssef [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)