
Peter Thomas

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16EEBernd Ploderer, Steve Howard, Peter Thomas: Being online, living offline: the influence of social ties over the appropriation of social network sites. CSCW 2008: 333-342
15EEBernd Ploderer, Steve Howard, Peter Thomas, Wolfgang Reitberger: "Hey World, Take a Look at Me!": Appreciating the Human Body on Social Network Sites. PERSUASIVE 2008: 245-248
14EEYi Hu, Peter Thomas, Russel J. Stonier: Traffic signal control using fuzzy logic and evolutionary algorithms. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 1785-1792
13EEPeter Thomas: Special issue of personal and ubiquitous computing: papers from 3AD-the second international conference on appliance design. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 10(2-3): 55-55 (2006)
12 Sven Overhage, Peter Thomas: WS-Specification: Ein Spezifikationsrahmen zur Beschreibung von Web-Services auf Basis des UDDI-Standards. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005: 1539-1558
11EESven Overhage, Peter Thomas: A Business Perspective on Component Trading: Criteria, Immaturities, and Critical Success Factors. EUROMICRO 2004: 108-117
10EEPeter Thomas: 2AD: The second international conference on Appliance Design, held at HP Laboratories, Bristol, UK, 11-13 May 2004. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8(3-4): 145-145 (2004)
9EEPeter Thomas: Papers from 1AD: First international conference on appliance design, May 2003. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7(3-4): 135-135 (2003)
8EESven Overhage, Peter Thomas: WS-Specification: Specifying Web Services Using UDDI Improvements. Web, Web-Services, and Database Systems 2002: 100-119
7EEPeter Thomas, Yupo Chan, Lee Lehmkuhl, William Nixon: Obnoxious-facility location and data-envelopment analysis: A combined distance-based formulation. European Journal of Operational Research 141(3): 495-514 (2002)
6 Peter Thomas: From web-site to on-line presence; from internet to information. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 3(4): (1999)
5 Harold W. Thimbleby, Brid O'Conaill, Peter Thomas: People and Computers XII, Proceedings of HCI '97 Springer 1997
4 David M. Frohlich, Peter Thomas, Mike Hawley, Kenkichi Hirade: The future of personal technologies. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 1(1): (1997)
3EEChi-Hsien Victor Shih, Nasser Sherkat, Peter Thomas: An Automatic Lace Trimming Process Using Real-Time Vision. Real-Time Imaging 2(2): 117-130 (1996)
2EENasser Sherkat, Chi-Hsien Victor Shih, Peter Thomas: A Fuzzy Reasoning Rule-Based System for Lace Pattern Detection. MVA 1994: 61-64
1 Peter Thomas, Keith Goss: 3-Dimensional Visual Representations for Graphical User Interfaces: The Art of User Involvement. VCHCI 1993: 429-430

Coauthor Index

1Yupo Chan [7]
2David M. Frohlich [4]
3Keith Goss [1]
4Mike Hawley [4]
5Kenkichi Hirade [4]
6Steve Howard [15] [16]
7Yi Hu [14]
8Lee Lehmkuhl [7]
9William Nixon [7]
10Brid O'Conaill [5]
11Sven Overhage [8] [11] [12]
12Bernd Ploderer [15] [16]
13Wolfgang Reitberger [15]
14Nasser Sherkat [2] [3]
15Chi-Hsien Victor Shih [2] [3]
16Russel J. Stonier [14]
17Harold W. Thimbleby [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)