
Yui-Lam Chan

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29EEYui-Lam Chan, Hoi-Kin Cheung, Wan-Chi Siu: Compressed-Domain Techniques for Error-Resilient Video Transcoding Using RPS. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18(2): 357-370 (2009)
28EEKi-Kit Lai, Yui-Lam Chan, Chang-Hong Fu, Wan-Chi Siu: Viewpoint switching in multiview videos using SP-frames. ICIP 2008: 1776-1779
27EEKing-Hong Chung, Yuk-Hee Chan, Chang-Hong Fu, Yui-Lam Chan: A High Performance Lossless Bayer Image Compression Scheme. ICIP (2) 2007: 353-356
26EEKing-Hong Chung, Yuk-Hee Chan, Chang-Hong Fu, Yui-Lam Chan: An Efficient Combined Demosaicing and Zooming Algorithm for Digital Camera. ICIP (4) 2007: 197-200
25EEChang-Hong Fu, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: Efficient Motion Estimation in H.264 Reverse Transcoding. ICIP (5) 2007: 317-320
24EETak-Piu Ip, Yui-Lam Chan, Chang-Hong Fu, Wan-Chi Siu: A Simplified Dual-Bitstream MPEG Video Streaming System with VCR Functionalities. ICIP (6) 2007: 481-484
23EEKi-Kit Lai, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: A Quantized Transform-Domain Motion Estimation Technique for H.264 Secondary SP-Frames. PCM 2007: 138-147
22EEChang-Hong Fu, Yui-Lam Chan, Tak-Piu Ip, Wan-Chi Siu: New Architecture for MPEG Video Streaming System With Backward Playback Support. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(9): 2169-2183 (2007)
21EEWan-Chi Siu, Yui-Lam Chan, Kai-Tat Fung: On Transcoding a B-Frame to a P-Frame in the Compressed Domain. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9(6): 1093-1102 (2007)
20EEChang-Hong Fu, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: Efficient reverse-play algorithms for MPEG video with VCR support. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 16(1): 19-30 (2006)
19EEHoi-Kin Cheung, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: Reference picture selection in an already MPEG encoded bitstream. ICIP (1) 2005: 793-796
18EETak-Piu Ip, Yui-Lam Chan, Chang-Hong Fu, Wan-Chi Siu: Macroblock-based algorithm for dual-bitstream MPEG video streaming with VCR functionalities. ISCAS (3) 2005: 2671-2674
17EEKo-Cheung Hui, Wan-Chi Siu, Yui-Lam Chan: New adaptive partial distortion search using clustered pixel matching error Characteristic. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 14(5): 597-607 (2005)
16 Chang-Hong Fu, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: Improved macroblock-based reverse play algorithm for MPEG video streaming. ICIP 2004: 2063-2066
15 Wan-Chi Siu, Kai-Tat Fung, Yui-Lam Chan: A compressed-domain heterogeneous video transcoder. ICIP 2004: 2761-2764
14 Ko-Cheung Hui, Wan-Chi Siu, Yui-Lam Chan: New adaptive partial distortion search using clustered pixel matching error characteristic. ISCAS (2) 2004: 97-100
13EEChang-Hong Fu, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: Macroblock-based reverse play algorithm for MPEG video streaming. ISCAS (3) 2004: 753-756
12EEKai-Tat Fung, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: Low-complexity and high-quality frame-skipping transcoder for continuous presence multipoint video conferencing. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6(1): 31-46 (2004)
11EEYui-Lam Chan, Ko-Cheung Hui, Wan-Chi Siu: Adaptive partial distortion search for block motion estimation. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 15(4): 489-506 (2004)
10EEKai-Tat Fung, Wan-Chi Siu, Yui-Lam Chan: A dynamic frame-skipping video combiner for multipoint video conferencing. ISCAS (3) 2002: 389-392
9EEKai-Tat Fung, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: New architecture for dynamic frame-skipping transcoder. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 11(8): 886-900 (2002)
8EEKai-Tat Fung, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: Dynamic frame skipping for high-performance transcoding. ICIP (1) 2001: 425-428
7EEKo-Cheung Hui, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: Priority search technique for MPEG-4 motion estimation of arbitrarily shaped video object. ICIP (3) 2001: 644-647
6EEKai-Tat Fung, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: Low-complexity and high quality frame-skipping transcoder. ISCAS (5) 2001: 29-32
5EEYui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: An efficient search strategy for block motion estimation using image features. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(8): 1223-1238 (2001)
4 Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: A Feature-Assisted Search Strategy for Block Motion Estimation. ICIP (2) 1999: 620-624
3EEYui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: Variable temporal-length 3-D discrete cosine transform coding. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(5): 758-763 (1997)
2 Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: Fast Interframe Transfrom Coding Based on Characteristics of Transform Coefficients and Frame Difference. ISCAS 1995: 449-452
1 Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu: A New Adaptive Interframe Transform Coding using Directional Classification. ICIP (2) 1994: 977-981

Coauthor Index

1Yuk-Hee Chan [26] [27]
2Hoi-Kin Cheung [19] [29]
3King-Hong Chung [26] [27]
4Chang-Hong Fu [13] [16] [18] [20] [22] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]
5Kai-Tat Fung [6] [8] [9] [10] [12] [15] [21]
6Ko-Cheung Hui [7] [11] [14] [17]
7Tak-Piu Ip [18] [22] [24]
8Ki-Kit Lai [23] [28]
9Wan-Chi Siu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [28] [29]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)