
Tony K. Y. Chan

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12EEZhi Zheng, Prakash Prakash, Tony K. Y. Chan: Interactive View-Dependent Rendering over Networks. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(3): 576-589 (2008)
11EEZhi Zheng, Tony K. Y. Chan: Traversal on DAG-based Multiresolution Mesh Hierarchy. CGIV 2006: 302-309
10EEZhi Zheng, Tony K. Y. Chan: View-dependent progressive mesh using non-redundant DAG hierarchy. GRAPHITE 2005: 417-420
9EEMeehae Song, Thomas Elias, Wolfgang Müller-Wittig, Tony K. Y. Chan: Using the Chinese Calligraphy brush as a tangible user interface tool in virtual heritage scenarios. Computers & Graphics 29(1): 41-48 (2005)
8EEZhi Zheng, Tony K. Y. Chan: Optimized Neighbour Prefetch and Cache for Client-server Based Walkthrough. CW 2003: 143-150
7EEMeehae Song, Thomas Elias, Wolfgang Müller-Wittig, Tony K. Y. Chan: Using Virtual Reality to bring Singaporean Heritage to Life. Computer Graphics International 2003: 240-243
6EEMeehae Song, Thomas Elias, Wolfgang Müller-Wittig, Tony K. Y. Chan: Interacting with the virtually recreated Peranakans. GRAPHITE 2003: 223-228
5 Y. M. Liow, Tony K. Y. Chan, Francis B. S. Lee: A continuous media file system. IRMA Conference 2000: 1140-1141
4EEShunnian Zhai, Tony K. Y. Chan: Data Placement Scheme on Continuous Media Servers with ZBR Disks. ITCC 2000: 278-283
3EELizhuang Ma, Tony K. Y. Chan, Zhongding Jiang: Interpolating and Approximating Moving Frames Using B-splines. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2000: 154-164
2EECelyn S. L. Chan, Tony K. Y. Chan, Edmond Cyril Prakash: A System for Geographical and Spatial Data Exploration on the Internet. VIP 2000: 23-29
1 Tony K. Y. Chan, Bu-Sung Lee, Liang-Tien Chia, Lai Lai Tung, Chai Kiat Yeo: An ATM-Enhanced Meeting System. PDPTA 1997: 574-578

Coauthor Index

1Celyn S. L. Chan [2]
2Liang-Tien Chia [1]
3Thomas Elias [6] [7] [9]
4Zhongding Jiang [3]
5Bu-Sung Lee (Francis Bu-Sung Lee) [1]
6Francis B. S. Lee [5]
7Y. M. Liow [5]
8Lizhuang Ma [3]
9Wolfgang Müller-Wittig [6] [7] [9]
10Edmond C. Prakash (Edmond Cyril Prakash) [2]
11Prakash Prakash [12]
12Meehae Song [6] [7] [9]
13Lai Lai Tung [1]
14Chai Kiat Yeo [1]
15Shunnian Zhai [4]
16Zhi Zheng [8] [10] [11] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)