
Carlos Celorrio

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5EECarlos Celorrio, M. Felisa Verdejo: An Interoperable, Extensible and Configurable Service Architecture for an Integrated Educational Networking Infrastructure. ICALT 2008: 207-211
4EEM. Felisa Verdejo, Carlos Celorrio: A Multi-Agent Based System for Activity Configuration and Personalization in a Pervasive Learning Framework. PerCom Workshops 2007: 177-181
3EEM. Felisa Verdejo, Carlos Celorrio, Emilio Lorenzo, Teresa Sastre-Toral: An Educational Networking Infrastructure Supporting Ubiquitous Learning for School Students. ICALT 2006: 174-178
2EEM. Felisa Verdejo, Carlos Celorrio, Emilio Lorenzo: Improving Learning Object Description Mechanisms to Support an Integrated Framework for Ubiquitous Learning Scenarios. WMTE 2006: 93-97
1 J. Ignacio Mayorga, Beatriz Barros, Carlos Celorrio, M. Felisa Verdejo: An Ontology-driven Portal for a Collaborative Learning Community. AIED 2005: 872-874

Coauthor Index

1Beatriz Barros [1]
2Emilio Lorenzo [2] [3]
3J. Ignacio Mayorga [1]
4Teresa Sastre-Toral [3]
5M. Felisa Verdejo (María Felisa Verdejo Maillo, Felisa Verdejo) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)