2009 |
14 | EE | Claudio Castellini,
P. Patrick van der Smagt:
Surface EMG in advanced hand prosthetics.
Biological Cybernetics 100(1): 35-47 (2009) |
2008 |
13 | EE | Claudio Castellini,
P. Patrick van der Smagt,
Giulio Sandini,
Gerd Hirzinger:
Surface EMG for force control of mechanical hands.
ICRA 2008: 725-730 |
2006 |
12 | EE | Claudio Castellini:
Automated reasoning in quantified modal and temporal logics.
AI Commun. 19(2): 183-185 (2006) |
2005 |
11 | EE | Claudio Castellini,
Alan Smaill:
Proof Planning for First-Order Temporal Logic.
CADE 2005: 235-249 |
10 | EE | Alessandro Armando,
Claudio Castellini,
Enrico Giunchiglia,
Fausto Giunchiglia,
Armando Tacchella:
SAT-Based Decision Procedures for Automated Reasoning: A Unifying Perspective.
Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning 2005: 46-58 |
9 | | Claudio Castellini:
Automated Reasoning in Quantified Modal and Temporal Logics.
Intelligenza Artificiale 2(4): 13-21 (2005) |
8 | EE | Alessandro Armando,
Claudio Castellini,
Enrico Giunchiglia,
Marco Maratea:
The SAT-based Approach to Separation Logic.
J. Autom. Reasoning 35(1-3): 237-263 (2005) |
2004 |
7 | EE | Alessandro Armando,
Claudio Castellini,
Jacopo Mantovani:
Software Model Checking Using Linear Constraints.
ICFEM 2004: 209-223 |
6 | EE | Alessandro Armando,
Claudio Castellini,
Enrico Giunchiglia,
Marco Maratea:
A SAT-based Decision Procedure for the Boolean Combination of Difference Constraints.
SAT 2004 |
5 | EE | Alessandro Armando,
Claudio Castellini,
Enrico Giunchiglia,
Marco Maratea:
A SAT-Based Decision Procedure for the Boolean Combination of Difference Constraints.
SAT (Selected Papers 2004: 16-29 |
2003 |
4 | EE | Claudio Castellini,
Enrico Giunchiglia,
Armando Tacchella:
SAT-based planning in complex domains: Concurrency, constraints and nondeterminism.
Artif. Intell. 147(1-2): 85-117 (2003) |
2002 |
3 | EE | Claudio Castellini,
Alan Smaill:
Proof Planning for Feature Interactions: A Preliminary Report.
LPAR 2002: 102-114 |
2 | EE | Claudio Castellini,
Alan Smaill:
A Systematic Presentation of Quantified Modal Logics.
Logic Journal of the IGPL 10(6): 571-599 (2002) |
1999 |
1 | | Alessandro Armando,
Claudio Castellini,
Enrico Giunchiglia:
SAT-Based Procedures for Temporal Reasoning.
ECP 1999: 97-108 |