
Vicent Caselles

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36EES. Ferradans, Marcelo Bertalmío, Vicent Caselles: Geometry-Based Demosaicking. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18(3): 665-670 (2009)
35EEVicent Caselles, Gloria Haro, Guillermo Sapiro, Joan Verdera: On geometric variational models for inpainting surface holes. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 111(3): 351-373 (2008)
34EEA. Almansa, Coloma Ballester, Vicent Caselles, Gloria Haro: A TV Based Restoration Model with Local Constraints. J. Sci. Comput. 34(3): 209-236 (2008)
33EEColoma Ballester, Marcelo Bertalmío, Vicent Caselles, Lluís Garrido, Adrian Marques, Florent Ranchin: An Inpainting- Based Deinterlacing Method. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(10): 2476-2491 (2007)
32EEMarcelo Bertalmío, Vicent Caselles, Edoardo Provenzi, Alessandro Rizzi: Perceptual Color Correction Through Variational Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(4): 1058-1072 (2007)
31EEMarcelo Bertalmío, Vicent Caselles, Alvaro Pardo: Movie Denoising by Average of Warped Lines. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(9): 2333-2347 (2007)
30EEJuan Cardelino, Gregory Randall, Marcelo Bertalmío, Vicent Caselles: Region Based Segmentation Using the Tree of Shapes. ICIP 2006: 2421-2424
29EEGloria Haro, Marcelo Bertalmío, Vicent Caselles: Visual Acuity in Day for Night. International Journal of Computer Vision 69(1): 109-117 (2006)
28EEColoma Ballester, Vicent Caselles, Laura Igual, Joan Verdera, Bernard Rougé: A Variational Model for P+XS Image Fusion. International Journal of Computer Vision 69(1): 43-58 (2006)
27EEVicent Caselles, Lluís Garrido, Laura Igual: A Contrast Invariant Approach to Motion Estimation. Scale-Space 2005: 242-253
26EEAndres Fco. Solé, Vicent Caselles, Guillermo Sapiro, Francesc Aràndiga: Morse description and geometric encoding of digital elevation maps. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13(9): 1245-1262 (2004)
25 Andres Fco. Solé, Vicent Caselles, Guillermo Sapiro, Francesc Aràndiga: Morse description and geometric encoding of DEM data. ICIP (2) 2003: 235-238
24 Joan Verdera, Vicent Caselles, Marcelo Bertalmío, Guillermo Sapiro: Inpainting surface holes. ICIP (2) 2003: 903-906
23 Coloma Ballester, Vicent Caselles, Joan Verdera: A variational model for disocclusion. ICIP (3) 2003: 677-680
22 Oliver Sander, Marcelo Bertalmío, Vicent Caselles: Axiomatic scalar data interpolation on manifolds. ICIP (3) 2003: 681-684
21EEMarcelo Bertalmío, Vicent Caselles, Bernard Rougé, Andres Fco. Solé: TV Based Image Restoration with Local Constraints. J. Sci. Comput. 19(1-3): 95-122 (2003)
20 Coloma Ballester, Vicent Caselles, Joan Verdera, Marcelo Bertalmío, Guillermo Sapiro: A Variational Model for Filling-In Gray Level and Color Images. ICCV 2001: 10-16
19EEBei Tang, Guillermo Sapiro, Vicent Caselles: Color image enhancement via chromaticity diffusion. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(5): 701-707 (2001)
18EEColoma Ballester, Marcelo Bertalmío, Vicent Caselles, Guillermo Sapiro, Joan Verdera: Filling-in by joint interpolation of vector fields and gray levels. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(8): 1200-1211 (2001)
17 Bei Tang, Guillermo Sapiro, Vicent Caselles: Chromaticity Diffusion. ICIP 2000
16EEMarcelo Bertalmío, Guillermo Sapiro, Vicent Caselles, Coloma Ballester: Image inpainting. SIGGRAPH 2000: 417-424
15 Bei Tang, Guillermo Sapiro, Vicent Caselles: Diffusion of General Data on Non-Flat Manifolds via Harmonic Maps Theory: The Direction Diffusion Case. International Journal of Computer Vision 36(2): 149-161 (2000)
14EEBei Tang, Guillermo Sapiro, Vicent Caselles: Direction Diffusion. ICCV 1999: 1245-1252
13 Vicent Caselles, Guillermo Sapiro, Do Hyun Chung: Vector Median Filters, Morphology, and PDE's: Theoretical Connections. ICIP (4) 1999: 177-181
12EEVicent Caselles, Jose Luis Lisani, Jean-Michel Morel, Guillermo Sapiro: Shape preserving local histogram modification. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 8(2): 220-230 (1999)
11EEVicent Caselles, Bartomeu Coll, Jean-Michel Morel: Topographic Maps and Local Contrast Changes in Natural Images. International Journal of Computer Vision 33(1): 5-27 (1999)
10EEVicent Caselles, Jean-Michel Morel: Introduction To The Special Issue On Partial Differential Equations And Geometry-driven Diffusion In Image Processing And Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7(3): 269-273 (1998)
9EEVicent Caselles, Jean-Michel Morel, Catalina Sbert: An axiomatic approach to image interpolation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7(3): 376-386 (1998)
8EEVicent Caselles, Jose Luis Lisani, Jean-Michel Morel, Guillermo Sapiro: Shape Preserving Local Contrast Enhancement. ICIP (1) 1997: 314-
7EEVicent Caselles, Jean-Michel Morel, Catalina Sbert: An axiomatic approach to image interpolation. ICIP (3) 1997: 376-379
6 Vicent Caselles, Bartomeu Coll, Jean-Michel Morel: Scale Space Versus Topographic Map for Natural Images. Scale-Space 1997: 29-49
5 Guillermo Sapiro, Vicent Caselles: Contrast Enhancement via Image Evolution Flow. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 59(6): 407-416 (1997)
4EEVicent Caselles, Ron Kimmel, Guillermo Sapiro, Catalina Sbert: Minimal Surfaces Based Object Segmentation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(4): 394-398 (1997)
3EEVicent Caselles, Ron Kimmel, Guillermo Sapiro: Geodesic Active Contours. International Journal of Computer Vision 22(1): 61-79 (1997)
2 Vicent Caselles, Ron Kimmel, Guillermo Sapiro, Catalina Sbert: Three Dimensional Object Modeling via Minimal Surfaces. ECCV (1) 1996: 97-106
1EEVicent Caselles, Ron Kimmel, Guillermo Sapiro: Geodesic Active Contours. ICCV 1995: 694-699

Coauthor Index

1A. Almansa [34]
2Francesc Aràndiga [25] [26]
3Coloma Ballester [16] [18] [20] [23] [28] [33] [34]
4Marcelo Bertalmío [16] [18] [20] [21] [22] [24] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [36]
5Juan Cardelino [30]
6Do Hyun Chung [13]
7Bartomeu Coll [6] [11]
8S. Ferradans [36]
9Lluís Garrido [27] [33]
10Gloria Haro [29] [34] [35]
11Laura Igual [27] [28]
12Ron Kimmel [1] [2] [3] [4]
13Jose Luis Lisani [8] [12]
14Adrian Marques [33]
15Jean-Michel Morel [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
16Alvaro Pardo [31]
17Edoardo Provenzi [32]
18Florent Ranchin [33]
19Gregory Randall [30]
20Alessandro Rizzi [32]
21Bernard Rougé [21] [28]
22Oliver Sander [22]
23Guillermo Sapiro [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [24] [25] [26] [35]
24Catalina Sbert [2] [4] [7] [9]
25Andres Fco. Solé [21] [25] [26]
26Bei Tang [14] [15] [17] [19]
27Joan Verdera [18] [20] [23] [24] [28] [35]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)