
Francois Caron

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7EEFrancois Caron, Arnaud Doucet: Sparse Bayesian nonparametric regression. ICML 2008: 88-95
6EEFrancois Caron, Manuel Davy, Arnaud Doucet, Emmanuel Duflos, Philippe Vanheeghe: Bayesian Inference for Linear Dynamic Models With Dirichlet Process Mixtures. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56(1): 71-84 (2008)
5EEFrancois Caron, Branko Ristic, Emmanuel Duflos, Philippe Vanheeghe: Least committed basic belief density induced by a multivariate Gaussian: Formulation with applications. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 48(2): 419-436 (2008)
4EEFrancois Caron, Saiedeh Navabzadeh Razavi, Jongchul Song, Philippe Vanheeghe, Emmanuel Duflos, Carlos H. Caldas, Carl T. Haas: Locating sensor nodes on construction projects. Auton. Robots 22(3): 255-263 (2007)
3EEFrancois Caron, Manuel Davy, Emmanuel Duflos, Philippe Vanheeghe: Particle Filtering for Multisensor Data Fusion With Switching Observation Models: Application to Land Vehicle Positioning. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(6-1): 2703-2719 (2007)
2EEFrancois Caron, Emmanuel Duflos, Denis Pomorski, Philippe Vanheeghe: GPS/IMU data fusion using multisensor Kalman filtering: introduction of contextual aspects. Information Fusion 7(2): 221-230 (2006)
1 Francois Caron, Laurent Capella: The shawdowed RTOS: A new method for efficient resources management in parallel hardware architectures. ESA 2005: 17-23

Coauthor Index

1Carlos H. Caldas [4]
2Laurent Capella [1]
3Manuel Davy [3] [6]
4Arnaud Doucet [6] [7]
5Emmanuel Duflos [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Carl T. Haas [4]
7Denis Pomorski [2]
8Saiedeh Navabzadeh Razavi [4]
9Branko Ristic [5]
10Jongchul Song [4]
11Philippe Vanheeghe [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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