
Wayne E. Carlson

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4EEFerdi Scheepers, Richard E. Parent, Wayne E. Carlson, Stephen F. May: Anatomy-based modeling of the human musculature. SIGGRAPH 1997: 163-172
3 Don Stredney, Wayne E. Carlson, J. Edward Swan II, Beth Blostein: The Determination of Environmental Accessibility and ADA Compliance Through Virtual Wheelchair Simulation. Presence 4(3): 297-305 (1995)
2 David S. Ebert, Wayne E. Carlson, Richard E. Parent: Solid spaces and inverse particle systems for controlling the animation of gases and fluids. The Visual Computer 10(4): 179-190 (1994)
1EEJames R. Kent, Wayne E. Carlson, Richard E. Parent: Shape transformation for polyhedral objects. SIGGRAPH 1992: 47-54

Coauthor Index

1Beth Blostein [3]
2David S. Ebert [2]
3James R. Kent [1]
4Stephen F. May [4]
5Richard E. Parent [1] [2] [4]
6Ferdi Scheepers [4]
7Don Stredney [3]
8J. Edward Swan II [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)