
Xianbin Cao

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16EEPei Wu, Xianbin Cao, Yan Wu Xu, Hong Qiao: Representative Template Set Generation Method for Pedestrian Detection. FSKD (4) 2008: 101-105
15EEKe Tang, Zai Wang, Xianbin Cao, Jun Zhang: A multi-objective evolutionary approach to aircraft landing scheduling problems. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 3650-3656
14EEYuanping Guo, Xianbin Cao, Jun Zhang: Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm with constraint handling for aircraft landing scheduling. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 3657-3662
13EEQizhen He, Jun Feng, Horace Ho-Shing Ip, James Xia, Xianbin Cao: An Integration of Statistical Deformable Model and Finite Element Method for Bone-Related Soft Tissue Prediction in Orthognathic Surgery Planning. MIAR 2008: 31-39
12EEXianbin Cao, Hong Qiao, John Keane: A Low-Cost Pedestrian-Detection System With a Single Optical Camera. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(1): 58-67 (2008)
11EEC. X. Wei, Xianbin Cao, Yan Wu Xu, Hong Qiao, Fei-Yue Wang: The Treelike Assembly Classifier for Pedestrian Detection. PAISI 2007: 232-237
10EEJing Ma, Xianbin Cao, Yuanping Guo, Xueqi Cheng: Modeling the Evolution of Web using Vertex Content Similarity. Web Intelligence 2007: 108-111
9EEXueqi Cheng, Fuxin Ren, Xianbin Cao, Jing Ma: How Contents Influence Clustering Features in the Web. Web Intelligence 2007: 81-84
8EEXianbin Cao, Hong Qiao, Yan Wu Xu: Negative selection based immune optimization. Advances in Engineering Software 38(10): 649-656 (2007)
7EEYan Wu Xu, Xianbin Cao, Hong Qiao: Optical Camera Based Pedestrian Detection in Rainy Or Snowy Weather. FSKD 2006: 1182-1191
6EED. Chen, Xianbin Cao, Yan Wu Xu, Hong Qiao: An Evolutionary Support Vector Machines Classifier for Pedestrian Detection. IROS 2006: 4223-4227
5EEYan Wu Xu, Xianbin Cao, Hong Qiao, Fei-Yue Wang: Fast Pedestrian Detection Using Color Information. ISI 2006: 627-632
4EED. Chen, Xianbin Cao, Hong Qiao, Fei-Yue Wang: A Multiclass Classifier to Detect Pedestrians and Acquire Their Moving Styles. ISI 2006: 758-759
3EEHong Qiao, Fei-Yue Wang, Xianbin Cao: Application of a Decomposed Support Vector Machine Algorithm in Pedestrian Detection from a Moving Vehicle. ISI 2005: 662-663
2EEXianbin Cao, Hong Qiao, Fei-Yue Wang, Xinzheng Zhang: Application of Cooperative Co-evolution in Pedestrian Detection Systems. ISI 2005: 664-665
1EEWenjian Luo, Xianbin Cao, Xufa Wang: NIDS Research Based on Artificial Immunology. ICICS 2001: 371-375

Coauthor Index

1D. Chen [4] [6]
2Xueqi Cheng [9] [10]
3Jun Feng [13]
4Yuanping Guo [10] [14]
5Qizhen He [13]
6Horace Ho-Shing Ip [13]
7John Keane [12]
8Wenjian Luo [1]
9Jing Ma [9] [10]
10Hong Qiao [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [11] [12] [16]
11Fuxin Ren [9]
12Ke Tang [15]
13Fei-Yue Wang [2] [3] [4] [5] [11]
14Xufa Wang [1]
15Zai Wang [15]
16C. X. Wei [11]
17Pei Wu [16]
18James Xia [13]
19Yan Wu Xu [5] [6] [7] [8] [11] [16]
20Jun Zhang [14] [15]
21Xinzheng Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)