
Roberto Canonico

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14EEPasquale Di Gennaro, Roberto Canonico, Giorgio Ventre: NEPTUNE network emulation for protocol tuning and evaluation. SimuTools 2009: 36
13EERoberto Canonico, Carmen Guerrero, Andreas Mauthe: Content distribution infrastructures for community networks. Computer Networks 53(4): 431-433 (2009)
12EESzymon Szott, Marek Natkaniec, Roberto Canonico, Andrzej R. Pach: Impact of Contention Window Cheating on Single-Hop IEEE 802.11e MANETs. WCNC 2008: 1356-1361
11EERoberto Canonico, Pasquale Di Gennaro, Vittorio Manetti, Giorgio Ventre: Virtualization Techniques in Network Emulation Systems. Euro-Par Workshops 2007: 144-153
10 Giorgio Ventre, Roberto Canonico: Interactive Multimedia on Next Generation Networks, First International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems, MIPS 2003, Napoli, Italy, November 18-21, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
9EERoberto Canonico, Donato Emma, Giorgio Ventre: An XML Description Language for Web-Based Network Simulation. DS-RT 2003: 76-83
8EERoberto Canonico, Maurizio D'Arienzo, Simon Pietro Romano, Giorgio Ventre: Introducing QoS awareness in distributed programming: QTcl. Softw., Pract. Exper. 33(10): 901-911 (2003)
7EELaurent Mathy, Roberto Canonico, Steven Simpson, David Hutchison: Scalable Adaptive Hierarchical Clustering. NETWORKING 2002: 1172-1177
6EERoberto Canonico, Maurizio D'Arienzo, B. Fadini, Simon Pietro Romano, Giorgio Ventre: On the introduction of quality of service awareness in legacy ditributed applications. SEKE 2002: 659-664
5EELaurent Mathy, Roberto Canonico, David Hutchison: An Overlay Tree Building Control Protocol. Networked Group Communication 2001: 76-87
4EEMichel Diaz, Roberto Canonico, Luis Costa, Serge Fdida, David Hutchison, Laurent Mathy, Andreas Meissner, Stéphane Owezarski, Rolland Vida, Lars C. Wolf: GCAP: A New Multimedia Multicast Architecture for QoS. PROMS 2001: 103-115
3EERoberto Canonico, Simon Pietro Romano, Mauro Sellitto, Giorgio Ventre: A Scheme for Time-Dependent Resource Reservation in QoS-Enabled IP Networks. NETWORKING 2000: 811-822
2 Roberto Canonico, Rosario Cristaldi, Giulio Iannello: A Scalable Flow Control Algorithm for the Fast Messages Communication Library. CANPC 1999: 77-90
1 Roberto Canonico, Luigi D'Ardia, Giorgio Ventre: A simulation based approach for network resources dimensioning in video delivery systems. Telecommunication Systems 11(1-2): 187-199 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Luis Costa [4]
2Rosario Cristaldi [2]
3Luigi D'Ardia [1]
4Maurizio D'Arienzo [6] [8]
5Michel Diaz [4]
6Donato Emma [9]
7B. Fadini [6]
8Serge Fdida [4]
9Pasquale Di Gennaro [11] [14]
10Carmen Guerrero [13]
11David Hutchison [4] [5] [7]
12Giulio Iannello [2]
13Vittorio Manetti [11]
14Laurent Mathy [4] [5] [7]
15Andreas Mauthe [13]
16Andreas Meissner [4]
17Marek Natkaniec [12]
18Stéphane Owezarski [4]
19Andrzej R. Pach [12]
20Simon Pietro Romano [3] [6] [8]
21Mauro Sellitto [3]
22Steven Simpson [7]
23Szymon Szott [12]
24Giorgio Ventre [1] [3] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14]
25Rolland Vida [4]
26Lars C. Wolf [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)