
Rolland Vida

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13EEGábor Vincze, Zoltán Novák, Zoltán Pap, Rolland Vida: RESERV: A Distributed, Load Balanced Information System for Grid Applications. CCGRID 2008: 596-601
12EEZsolt Kovacshazi, Rolland Vida: Host Identity Specific Multicast. ICNS 2007: 1
11EEBalazs Kovacs, Rolland Vida: An Adaptive Approach to Enhance the Performance of Content-Addressable Networks. ICNS 2007: 93
10 Zoltán Vincze, Dorottya Vass, Rolland Vida, Attila Vidács, András Telcs: Adaptive Sink Mobility in Event-Driven Densely Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 3(2-3): 255-284 (2007)
9EEBalazs Kovacs, Rolland Vida: Hierarchical, Multi-spanning Architecture for ManagedWireless Networks. AINA (2) 2006: 111-115
8EEZoltán Vincze, Dorottya Vass, Rolland Vida, Attila Vidács, András Telcs: Adaptive sink mobility in event-driven multi-hop wireless sensor networks. InterSense 2006: 13
7EEGergely Biczok, Rolland Vida: On Faster and fair lookup operation in content-addressable networks. CoNEXT 2005: 226-227
6EEBalazs Kovacs, Rolland Vida, Gergely Biczok: Hierarchical architecture for managed wireless networks. CoNEXT 2005: 260-261
5EEZoltán Vincze, Rolland Vida: Multi-hop wireless sensor networks with mobile sink. CoNEXT 2005: 302-303
4EERolland Vida, Luís Henrique Maciel Kosmalski Costa, Serge Fdida: Mobile hop-by-hop multicast routing. Computer Networks 44(6): 789-812 (2004)
3 Rolland Vida, Luís Henrique Maciel Kosmalski Costa, Serge Fdida: M-HBH - Efficient Mobility Management in Multicast. Networked Group Communication 2002: 105-112
2EEB. Baurens, Luis Costa, Anca Dracinschi Sailer, Serge Fdida, Vincent Roca, Rolland Vida: Communications. Cooperative Environments for Distributed Systems Engineering 2001: 153-176
1EEMichel Diaz, Roberto Canonico, Luis Costa, Serge Fdida, David Hutchison, Laurent Mathy, Andreas Meissner, Stéphane Owezarski, Rolland Vida, Lars C. Wolf: GCAP: A New Multimedia Multicast Architecture for QoS. PROMS 2001: 103-115

Coauthor Index

1B. Baurens [2]
2Gergely Biczok [6] [7]
3Roberto Canonico [1]
4Luis Costa [1] [2]
5Luís Henrique Maciel Kosmalski Costa [3] [4]
6Michel Diaz [1]
7Serge Fdida [1] [2] [3] [4]
8David Hutchison [1]
9Balazs Kovacs [6] [9] [11]
10Zsolt Kovacshazi [12]
11Laurent Mathy [1]
12Andreas Meissner [1]
13Zoltán Novák [13]
14Stéphane Owezarski [1]
15Zoltán Pap [13]
16Vincent Roca [2]
17Anca Dracinschi Sailer [2]
18András Telcs [8] [10]
19Dorottya Vass [8] [10]
20Attila Vidács [8] [10]
21Gábor Vincze [13]
22Zoltán Vincze [5] [8] [10]
23Lars C. Wolf [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)