
Brian Cameron

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3EEEd Van Sickle, Efrem Mallach, Brian Cameron, Derrek B. Dunn, Denetra Rook, Frank Groom, Ronnie Rollins: Storage technologies: an education opportunity. SIGITE Conference 2007: 119-126
2EEBrian Cameron, Mary Beam, Paul Beam II: Creation, costs and management: the measure of full-service online learning. SIGDOC 2000: 99-109
1EEPaul Beam II, Brian Cameron: "But what did we learn...?": Evaluating Online Learning as Process. SIGDOC 1998: 258-264

Coauthor Index

1Mary Beam [2]
2Paul Beam II [1] [2]
3Derrek B. Dunn [3]
4Frank Groom [3]
5Efrem Mallach [3]
6Ronnie Rollins [3]
7Denetra Rook [3]
8Ed Van Sickle [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)