
Michael Ferrara

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6EEGuantao Chen, Michael Ferrara, Ronald J. Gould, John R. Schmitt: Graphic sequences with a realization containing a complete multipartite subgraph. Discrete Mathematics 308(23): 5712-5721 (2008)
5EEMichael Ferrara, Ronald J. Gould, Gerard Tansey, Thor Whalen: On H-immersions. Journal of Graph Theory 57(3): 245-254 (2008)
4 Michael Ferrara, Ronald J. Gould, John R. Schmitt: Graphic Sequences with a Realization Containing a Friendship Graph. Ars Comb. 85: (2007)
3EEArthur H. Busch, Michael Ferrara, Nathan Kahl: Generalizing D-graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(18): 2487-2495 (2007)
2EEJohn R. Schmitt, Michael Ferrara: An Erdös-Stone Type Conjecture for Graphic Sequences. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 28: 131-135 (2007)
1EEMichael Ferrara, Ronald J. Gould, Gerard Tansey, Thor Whalen: On H-Linked Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics 22(2): 217-224 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Arthur H. Busch [3]
2Guantao Chen [6]
3Ronald J. Gould [1] [4] [5] [6]
4Nathan Kahl [3]
5John R. Schmitt [2] [4] [6]
6Gerard Tansey [1] [5]
7Thor Whalen [1] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)