
Carl Burch

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9EECarl Burch, Lynn Ziegler: Science of computing suite (SOCS): resources for a breadth-first introduction. SIGCSE 2004: 437-441
8 Carl Burch: Logisim: a graphical system for logic circuit design and simulation. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 2(1): 5-16 (2002)
7 Avrim Blum, Carl Burch: On-line Learning and the Metrical Task System Problem. Machine Learning 39(1): 35-58 (2000)
6EEAvrim Blum, Carl Burch, Adam Kalai: Finely-Competitive Paging. FOCS 1999: 450-458
5EEAvrim Blum, Carl Burch, John Langford: On Learning Monotone Boolean Functions. FOCS 1998: 408-415
4EEAvrim Blum, Carl Burch: On-line Learning and the Metrical Task System Problem. COLT 1997: 45-53
3 Carl Burch: PA-8000: A Case Study of Static and Dynamic Branch Prediction. ICCD 1997: 97-105
2EEYair Bartal, Avrim Blum, Carl Burch, Andrew Tomkins: A polylog(n)-Competitive Algorithm for Metrical Task Systems. STOC 1997: 711-719
1EECarl Burch: A language-based design for portable data files. SIGPLAN Notices 24(5): 102-111 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Yair Bartal [2]
2Avrim Blum [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Adam Tauman Kalai (Adam Kalai) [6]
4John Langford [5]
5Andrew Tomkins [2]
6Lynn Ziegler [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)