
Daniel J. Buehrer

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15EEChun-Yao Wang, Daniel J. Buehrer: A Ring-Based Decentralized Collaborative Non-blocking Atomic Commit Protocol. IAT 2008: 395-398
14 Daniel J. Buehrer: Organizing Multimedia Objects by Using Class Algebra. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (IV) 2005: 2243-2247
13 Daniel J. Buehrer, Li-Ren Chien: Reasoning with class algebra. Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence 2004: 302-307
12EEDaniel J. Buehrer, Chun-Yao Wang: Using a Class Algebra Ontology To Define Conversions between OWL/SQL/Java Beans. Web Intelligence 2004: 752-754
11EEDaniel J. Buehrer, Chee-Hwa Lee: Class Algebra for Ontology Reasoning. TOOLS (31) 1999: 2-13
10 Daniel J. Buehrer, Yi-Huang Liu, Ting-Yue Hong, Jeng-Jong Jou: Class Algebra as a Description Logic. Description Logics 1996: 92-96
9EEDaniel J. Buehrer, Yang-Wen Fan: SL-trees: An indexing structure for object-oriented data bases. Journal of Systems and Software 32(3): 237-249 (1996)
8 Chin-Chen Chang, Daniel J. Buehrer: An Improvement to Ziegler's Sparse Matrix Compression Algorithm. Journal of Systems and Software 35(1): 67-71 (1996)
7EEChin-Chen Chang, Woan-Jing Horng, Daniel J. Buehrer: A Cascade Exponentiation Evaluation Scheme Based on the Lempel-Ziv-Welch Compression Algorithm. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 11(3): 417-431 (1995)
6EEChin-Chen Chang, J. K. Jan, Daniel J. Buehrer: A scheme to determine the relationship between two users in a hierarchy. Computers & Security 13(3): 255-261 (1994)
5 Chin-Chen Chang, Yaw-Wen Chen, Daniel J. Buehrer: A Two-Dimensional Shape Recognition Scheme Based on Principal Component Analysis. IJPRAI 8(4): 859-875 (1994)
4EEChin-Chen Chang, Shin-Jia Hwang, Daniel J. Buehrer: New concepts for multiple stack systems: Born and reborn. Journal of Systems and Software 27(1): 45-54 (1994)
3EEDaniel J. Buehrer, Chin-Chen Chang: Application of a Reciprocal Confluence Tree Unit to Similar-Picture Retrieval. SSD 1993: 437-442
2 Chin-Chen Chang, Daniel J. Buehrer: De-Clustering Image Databases. Future Databases 1992: 142-145
1EEChin-Chen Chang, S. M. Hwang, Daniel J. Buehrer: A shape recognition scheme based on relative distances of feature points from the centroid. Pattern Recognition 24(11): 1053-1063 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Chin-Chen Chang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
2Yaw-Wen Chen [5]
3Li-Ren Chien [13]
4Yang-Wen Fan [9]
5Ting-Yue Hong [10]
6Woan-Jing Horng [7]
7S. M. Hwang [1]
8Shin-Jia Hwang [4]
9J. K. Jan [6]
10Jeng-Jong Jou [10]
11Chee-Hwa Lee [11]
12Yi-Huang Liu [10]
13Chun-Yao Wang [12] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)