
Shin-Jia Hwang

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15EEShin-Jia Hwang, Kuang-Hsi Chen: A Proxy Automatic Signature Scheme Using a Compiler in Distributed Systems for (Unknown) Virus Detection. AINA 2005: 649-654
14EEShin-Jia Hwang: Improvement of Tseng et al.'s authenticated encryption scheme. Applied Mathematics and Computation 165(1): 1-4 (2005)
13EEShin-Jia Hwang, Hao-Chih Liao: Security of Hsu-Wu's authenticated encryption scheme with (t, n) shared verification. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(1): 281-285 (2005)
12EEShin-Jia Hwang, Hao-Chih Liao: Security of Tzeng-Hwang's authenticated encryption scheme based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 168(1): 717-721 (2005)
11EEShin-Jia Hwang, Chia-Wei Huang: Improvement on Hwang et al.'s generalization of proxy signature schemes based on elliptic curves. Applied Mathematics and Computation 170(2): 941-947 (2005)
10EEShin-Jia Hwang, Chiu-Chin Chen: New threshold-proxy threshold-signature schemes. Computers & Electrical Engineering 31(1): 69-80 (2005)
9EEShin-Jia Hwang, Ching-Chung Chan: Improvement on Li et al.'s generalization of proxy signature schemes. Computers & Security 23(7): 615-619 (2004)
8EEShin-Jia Hwang, Chiu-Chin Chen: Cryptanalysis of Nonrepudiable Threshold Proxy Signature Schemes with Known Signers. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 14(2): 205-212 (2003)
7EEShin-Jia Hwang, Min-Shiang Hwang, Shiang-Feng Tzeng: A New Digital Multisignature Scheme With Distinguished Signing Authorities. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 19(5): 881-887 (2003)
6EEMin-Shiang Hwang, Cheng-Chi Lee, Shin-Jia Hwang: Cryptanalysis of the Hwang-Shi Proxy Signature Scheme. Fundam. Inform. 53(2): 131-134 (2002)
5EEChin-Chen Chang, Shin-Jia Hwang: A Simple Approach for Generating RSA Keys. Inf. Process. Lett. 63(1): 19-21 (1997)
4 Shin-Jia Hwang, Chin-Chen Chang: A dynamic secret sharing scheme with cheater detection. ACISP 1996: 48-55
3EEShin-Jia Hwang, Chin-Chen Chang, Wei-Pang Yang: Autenticated Encryption Schemes with Message Linkage. Inf. Process. Lett. 58(4): 189-195 (1996)
2 Shin-Jia Hwang, Chin-Chen Chang, Wei-Pang Yang: Some Active Attacks on Fast Server-Aided Secret Computation Protocols for Modular Exponentiation. Cryptography: Policy and Algorithms 1995: 215-227
1EEChin-Chen Chang, Shin-Jia Hwang, Daniel J. Buehrer: New concepts for multiple stack systems: Born and reborn. Journal of Systems and Software 27(1): 45-54 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel J. Buehrer [1]
2Ching-Chung Chan [9]
3Chin-Chen Chang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Chiu-Chin Chen [8] [10]
5Kuang-Hsi Chen [15]
6Chia-Wei Huang [11]
7Min-Shiang Hwang [6] [7]
8Cheng-Chi Lee [6]
9Hao-Chih Liao [12] [13]
10Shiang-Feng Tzeng [7]
11Wei-Pang Yang [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)