
Ignace Bruyland

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4EEPatrick de Smet, Ignace Bruyland: On A New Motion Estimation And Segmentation Framework For Digital Video Processing. Workshop on Digital and Computational Video 2001: 69-
3 R. L. Pires, Patrick de Smet, Ignace Bruyland: Line Extraction with the Use of an Automatic Gradient Threshold Technique and the Hough Transform. ICIP 2000
2EEJohan D'Haeyer, Ignace Bruyland: Parallel computation of image curve velocity fields. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 43(2): 239-255 (1988)
1 Marc Moeneclaey, Ignace Bruyland: The Joint Carrier and Symbol Synchronizability of Continuous Phase Modulated Waveforms. ICC 1986: 987-991

Coauthor Index

1Johan D'Haeyer [2]
2Marc Moeneclaey [1]
3R. L. Pires [3]
4Patrick de Smet [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)