
Roberto Bresin

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12EEDavide Rocchesso, Stefania Serafin, Frauke Behrendt, Nicola Bernardini, Roberto Bresin, Gerhard Eckel, Karmen Franinovic, Thomas Hermann, Sandra Pauletto, Patrick Susini, Yon Visell: Sonic interaction design: sound, information and experience. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3969-3972
11EEGinevra Castellano, Roberto Bresin, Antonio Camurri, Gualtiero Volpe: User-Centered Control of Audio and Visual Expressive Feedback by Full-Body Movements. ACII 2007: 501-510
10EEAnna DeWitt, Roberto Bresin: Sound Design for Affective Interaction. ACII 2007: 523-533
9EEBirgitta Burger, Roberto Bresin: Displaying Expression in Musical Performance by Means of a Mobile Robot. ACII 2007: 753-754
8EEDavide Rocchesso, Roberto Bresin: Emerging Sounds for Disappearing Computers. The Disappearing Computer 2007: 233-254
7EEMaurizio Mancini, Roberto Bresin, Catherine Pelachaud: A Virtual Head Driven by Music Expressivity. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 15(6): 1833-1841 (2007)
6EEMadelene Lindström, Anna Ståhl, Kristina Höök, Petra Sundström, Jarmo Laaksolahti, Marco Combetto, Alex S. Taylor, Roberto Bresin: Affective diary: designing for bodily expressiveness and self-reflection. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1037-1042
5EEKjetil Falkenberg Hansen, Roberto Bresin: Mapping strategies in DJ scratching. NIME 2006: 188-191
4EEMaurizio Mancini, Roberto Bresin, Catherine Pelachaud: From Acoustic Cues to an Expressive Agent. Gesture Workshop 2005: 280-291
3EERumi Hiraga, Roberto Bresin, Keiji Hirata, Haruhiro Katayose: Rencon 2004: Turing Test for Musical Expression. NIME 2004: 120-123
2EEKjetil Falkenberg Hansen, Roberto Bresin: Analysis of a Genuine Scratch Performance. Gesture Workshop 2003: 519-528
1EEDavide Rocchesso, Roberto Bresin, Mikael Fernström: Sounding Objects. IEEE MultiMedia 10(2): 42-52 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Frauke Behrendt [12]
2Nicola Bernardini [12]
3Birgitta Burger [9]
4Antonio Camurri [11]
5Ginevra Castellano [11]
6Marco Combetto [6]
7Anna DeWitt [10]
8Gerhard Eckel [12]
9Mikael Fernström [1]
10Karmen Franinovic [12]
11Kjetil Falkenberg Hansen [2] [5]
12Thomas Hermann [12]
13Rumi Hiraga [3]
14Keiji Hirata [3]
15Kristina Höök [6]
16Haruhiro Katayose [3]
17Jarmo Laaksolahti [6]
18Madelene Lindström [6]
19Maurizio Mancini [4] [7]
20Sandra Pauletto [12]
21Catherine Pelachaud [4] [7]
22Davide Rocchesso [1] [8] [12]
23Stefania Serafin [12]
24Anna Ståhl [6]
25Petra Sundström [6]
26Patrick Susini [12]
27Alex S. Taylor [6]
28Yon Visell [12]
29Gualtiero Volpe [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)