
Michael R. Brent

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18 Minmin Chen, Yixin Chen, Michael R. Brent: CRF-OPT: An Efficient High-Quality Conditional Random Field Solver. AAAI 2008: 1018-1023
17EEEvan Keibler, Manimozhiyan Arumugam, Michael R. Brent: The Treeterbi and Parallel Treeterbi algorithms: efficient, optimal decoding for ordinary, generalized and pair HMMs. Bioinformatics 23(5): 545-554 (2007)
16EESamuel S. Gross, Michael R. Brent: Using Multiple Alignments to Improve Gene Prediction. Journal of Computational Biology 13(2): 379-393 (2006)
15EESamuel S. Gross, Michael R. Brent: Using Multiple Alignments to Improve Gene Prediction. RECOMB 2005: 374-388
14EEEduardo Eyras, Alexandre Reymond, Robert Castelo, Jacqueline M. Bye, Francisco Camara, Paul Flicek, Elizabeth J. Huckle, Genis Parra, David D. Shteynberg, Carine Wyss, Jane Rogers, Stylianos E. Antonarakis, Ewan Birney, Roderic Guigó, Michael R. Brent: Gene finding in the chicken genome. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 131 (2005)
13EEEvan Keibler, Michael R. Brent: Eval: A software package for analysis of genome annotations. BMC Bioinformatics 4: 50 (2003)
12EEMatthew G. Snover, Michael R. Brent: A Probabilistic Model for Learning Concatenative Morphology. NIPS 2002: 1513-1520
11EEMatthew G. Snover, Michael R. Brent: A Bayesian Model for Morpheme and Paradigm Identification. ACL 2001: 482-490
10EEMichael R. Brent, Xiaopeng Tao: Chinese Text Segmentation With MBDP-1: Making the Most of Training Corpora. ACL 2001: 82-89
9 Ian Korf, Paul Flicek, Daniel Duan, Michael R. Brent: Integrating genomic homology into gene structure prediction. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2001: 140-148
8EEMichael R. Brent: An Efficient, Probabilistically Sound Algorithm for Segmentation and Word Discovery CoRR cs.CL/9905007: (1999)
7 Michael R. Brent: An Efficient, Probabilistically Sound Algorithm for Segmentation and Word Discovery. Machine Learning 34(1-3): 71-105 (1999)
6 Michael R. Brent, Timothy A. Cartwright: Lexical categorization: fitting template grammars by incremental MDL optimization. ICGI 1996: 84-94
5 Michael R. Brent: From Grammar to Lexicon: Unsupervised Learning of Lexical Syntax. Computational Linguistics 19(2): 243-262 (1993)
4 Michael R. Brent: Automatic Acquisition of Subcategorization Frames from Untagged Text. ACL 1991: 209-214
3EEMichael R. Brent: Automatic Semantic Classification Of Verbs From Their Syntactic Contexts: An Implemented Classifier For Stativity. EACL 1991: 222-226
2EEMichael R. Brent, Robert C. Berwick: Automatic Acquisition of Subcategorization Frames from Tagged Text. HLT 1991
1 Michael R. Brent: A Simplified Theory of Tense Representations and Constraints on their Composition. ACL 1990: 119-126

Coauthor Index

1Stylianos E. Antonarakis [14]
2Manimozhiyan Arumugam [17]
3Robert C. Berwick [2]
4Ewan Birney [14]
5Jacqueline M. Bye [14]
6Francisco Camara [14]
7Timothy A. Cartwright [6]
8Robert Castelo [14]
9Minmin Chen [18]
10Yixin Chen [18]
11Daniel Duan [9]
12Eduardo Eyras [14]
13Paul Flicek [9] [14]
14Samuel S. Gross [15] [16]
15Roderic Guigó [14]
16Elizabeth J. Huckle [14]
17Evan Keibler [13] [17]
18Ian Korf [9]
19Genis Parra [14]
20Alexandre Reymond [14]
21Jane Rogers [14]
22David D. Shteynberg [14]
23Matthew G. Snover [11] [12]
24Xiaopeng Tao [10]
25Carine Wyss [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)